After using #Maprun for #orienteering and #running training heavily during the pandemic, I had stopped using it when things returned to normal. Set up another course today and wondered why I hadn't sticked with it in the first place. What's more, Maprun's #OSM background layer is a great motivation for orienteering coaches to improve OSM instead of drawing one's own O-maps, at least for urban training.
#maprun #orienteering #running #OSM
It was a Street Series event using MapRun this evening in Taunton (Hankridge). Freezing 🥶 (I kept thinking I had dropped my compass as my thumb tip was numb). Pretty happy with my route and execution, although I had one moment where I lost concentration and went down the wrong turn losing a few minutes.
#Orienteering #StreetSeries #QuantockOrienteers #MapRun #Taunton
#orienteering #streetseries #quantockorienteers #maprun #taunton