Our #MaptimeWgtn February event was postponed as things got a bit soggy around the country, but we're back in action once again! We've lined up two great speakers again to share their knowledge with us on the 15th March at Victoria University of Wellington.
Details below.
Grab your tickets below, we’re looking forwards to seeing you all there!
@jasondowns @thesiswhisperer just listening to your whisperfest episodeon my dog walk. How did I miss the cartography connection until now? Definitely needs more map content!
I'm running a #MapTimeWgtn event next month on "are maps emotional?" Getting folks to ascribe emotions (using emotion cards used to help toddler differentiate emotions) and inspired by your chat about the things in our academic job that get us out of bed to wrap a research project around it too 😄 Thanks both!
This stunning image made with a 25cm DSM (digital surface model) from Wellington City 2019-2020 LiDAR and blended with aerial imagery was produced by Emory Beck for our #mapTimeWgtn events this year. Looking forward to reconnecting with spatial folks in person in Feb.
#maptimewgtn #maptime #cartography #geospatial