@WTL I would recommend Mapy.cz. It's a bit niche solution for other markets other than Czech (my homeland) and Slovak, but it has whole world coverage thanks to Open street maps, it has offline maps, multiplatform app in english and and a tracker feature that works with the offline maps.
Let me know, if you give it a try and feel free to DM me if you have any questions or other reactions! 😃
#mapycz #OpenStreetMap
@c3dric ma petite tribu et moi aimons partager nos découvertes, surtout quand on prend le temps de les valider. Quatrième ou cinquième balade dans cette ville où les vélos sont parfaitement intégrés mais on se balade le nez au vent entre les remparts romains qui servent désormais de promenade.
J’aimerais y séjourner quelques jours et non y passer qq heures comme à chaque fois.
Depuis le parking extérieur.
Mode trace dans #mapycz
#BaladesUrbaines #InstantanéPasséProche #InstaDon #TrèsProche #Boiteà Pixels #iPhoneEnPoche mieux avec une carte ?! #mapycz
#BaladesUrbaines #instantanepasseproche #instadon #tresproche #boiteapixels #iPhoneEnPoche #mapycz
@xinbenlv Recently I have been using Mapy (mapy.cz). thanks to a recommendation here on Mastodon from @gustav. I use it on Android but there is also an iOS app, and you can also view maps through a desktop browser (choose "Outdoor" under "Change Map" to highlight hiking trails).
#OpenStreetMap #hiking #mapycz
Routing options are available from the #OpenStreetMap website, but for turn-by-turn guidance, you would need an app that consumes OSM data (try #OsmAnd , #mapycz or #magicearth
RT @redditOSM
*Help* I'm trying not to use google maps and switch to OSM. I've just shared the directions to reach my place to a friend but if I click the link I've sent there's not directions highlighted on the map, why is that? (It is a pretty elementary ope…
#OpenStreetMap #osmand #mapycz #magicearth