The techy people - bah! I have little sympathy.
But I *do* want to get more non-techy people on here!
Would it make a difference if we did a #Marain to it?
If we said, "What Mastodon have you got?" or "Which Mastodon are you on?" to highlight that there are different flavours of the same basic thing?
Because saying "Get on Mastodon" does not work for non-tech people. It confuses more than it encourages.
I think it's more that if they do care about #AIBias and point it out, they tend to get fired by their techbro bosses who have a hardon for anything labelled "AI," "crypto" or "quantum."
All the -isms are in the datasets, they're just a mirror of our society.
As ever, I return to #IainMBanks and #Marain, #SapirWhorf and #NeoStructuralism.
Another world is possible. But *we* have to build it. Starting with datasets created for change.
#neostructuralism #sapirwhorf #marain #iainmbanks #aibias