Dominique Derauw · @dderauw
33 followers · 27 posts · Server

interferogram of the postseismic displacements induced by the September 8 that occurred in between and .
If considering that movement is purely vertical and counting approx 5 fringes to the epicentre, it means a cumulated 15cm vertical displacement.
Processing made from SAR pair acquired on August 30 and September 11, 2023.

#esa #copernicus #Sentinel1 #InSAR #earthquake #morrocco #marakech #agadir #MasTerEngine

Last updated 1 year ago

postier rouge et noir · @gogoitz
227 followers · 2905 posts · Server

J’adore les leçons des retraités de la CFDT

RT Moi je connais très bien un éminent militant national de qui lorsqu’on le croise le lundi dans l’ascenseur arrive tout juste de ou d’ailleurs! Je donne son nom?



Last updated 5 years ago