The Lawfare Podcast: But Her Emails!
Jen Patja Howell, Roger Parloff, Benjamin Wittes, Peter Strzok
Friday, July 7, 2023, 7:00 AM!
#cspanwj #politics #clintonemails #trumpdocuments #maralagodocuments
#cspanwj #politics #clintonemails #trumpdocuments #maralagodocuments
Hey, Trump!
If, instead of being a lazy lummox, you had moved your “Beautiful Mind” boxes yourself, without saying anything to anyone, you may well have gotten away with your crime. Think of all the witnesses and evidence that wouldn’t exist today.
You were sloppy, and you’re still sloppy. You, Mr. Trump, are too damned stupid to be a criminal. Ultimately, it’s your hubris that will do you in.
#HeyTrump #MaraLagoDocuments
If you’ve been paying attention to Trump, you KNOW he took, retained, and hid government documents because he planned to monetize them. I’d say we can safely bet that he and his family have already benefited from them, as well as from Trump’s corrupt presidency, in several ways.
Trump’s LIV golf involvement and Jared’s $2 billion from the Saudis give rise to suspicion, as they should.
#DonaldTrump #CriminalTrump #MaraLagoDocuments #LIVGolf #JaredKushner #corruption
#Corruption #JaredKushner #LIVGolf #maralagodocuments #criminaltrump #DonaldTrump
Trump finds no new lawyers in time for Mar-a-Lago documents arraignment
#TheGuardian #TrumpLawyers #MarALagoDocuments #Arraignment #LegalIssues #USPolitics #Politics #News
#theguardian #TrumpLawyers #maralagodocuments #arraignment #legalissues #uspolitics #politics #news
Doc theft can be tricky to do;
It could make a convict of you.
After stealing the docs,
Shove the docs in a box,
Then stash the doc box in the loo!*”
~ Traitor Trump
* As well the tub/shower, bedroom, ballroom, office, and storeroom, and any other gaudily “ornamented” Trump trash trap on the planet.
#TraitorTrump #DonaldTrump #MaraLagoDocuments #JackSmith #MerrickGarland #TrumpLimericks #limerick #limericks
#limericks #limerick #trumplimericks #MerrickGarland #jacksmith #maralagodocuments #DonaldTrump #traitortrump
Of course #Trump didn't declassify the documents; declassification would have tanked their value.
#Trump #trumpindictment #maralagodocuments
RM: Hey, Lach.
LM: Yeah, Dad?
RM: Did you read that Trump indictment?
LM: Yeah, Dad.
RM: You think the bastard’s gonna serve time?
LM: Yeah, Dad. 
RM: Do you think Melania…
LM: Yeah, Dad. Why? You gonna call her?
RM: No. I’m going to return her call.
LM: “Be best,” Dad. “Be best.”
#RupertMurdoch #LachlanMurdoch #SCAMalot #DonaldTrump #TrumpIndictments #MaraLagoDocuments #JackSmith #MerrickGarland #opportunity
#opportunity #MerrickGarland #jacksmith #maralagodocuments #TrumpIndictments #DonaldTrump #scamalot #LachlanMurdoch #rupertmurdoch
Trump is so full of shit that had he used those documents as toilet paper, he’d have gone through them in a few weeks. Evidence flushed!
#DonaldTrump #MaraLagoDocuments #JackSmith #MerrickGarland #TrumpIndictments
#TrumpIndictments #MerrickGarland #jacksmith #maralagodocuments #DonaldTrump
The next Trump-branded grift: Trump Self-Storage.
#DonaldTrump #MaraLagoDocuments #JackSmith #MerrickGarland #TrumpIndictments
#TrumpIndictments #MerrickGarland #jacksmith #maralagodocuments #DonaldTrump
Oh, look! It’s the newly “decorated” walls of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago dining room, living room, bedroom, and office.
#Trump #TrumpIndictments #JackSmith #MerrickGarland #MaraLagoDocuments #TemperTantrums #meltdowns
#meltdowns #tempertantrums #maralagodocuments #MerrickGarland #jacksmith #TrumpIndictments #Trump
HILLARY: Say it again, you little shit: INDICTMENT.
#DonaldTrump #MaraLagoDocuments #HillaryClinton #TrumpIndicted
#trumpindicted #hillaryclinton #maralagodocuments #DonaldTrump
Hey, Trump!
You’re a self-proclaimed “stable genius” who, unsurprisingly, doesn’t know jack. But don’t worry about that, because Jack definitely knows YOU.
You’re going to prison.
#DonaldTrump #Trump #JackSmith #MerrickGarland #CriminalTrump #MaraLagoDocuments #EspionageAct #January6 #ElectionInterference #TaxFraud #WireFraud #LockHimUp #HeyTrump
#MerrickGarland #jacksmith #heytrump #lockhimup #wirefraud #taxfraud #electioninterference #January6 #espionageact #maralagodocuments #criminaltrump #Trump #DonaldTrump
He has seen the writing on the wall and is running for the hills! Who knows if he even got paid.
#Trump Lawyer working on the #Maralago Documents Case...Resigns.
#MaralagoDocuments #DOJ #JackSmith #ClassifiedDocs
#trump #maralago #maralagodocuments #doj #jacksmith #classifieddocs
Classified docs at Mar-A-Lago are like clowns coming out of a mini car at a three ring circus.
Classified docs found at Mar-a-Lago months after searches
This keeps getting worse. I like #JoeBiden but even if his lawyers are turning unsecured classified documents over when they find them, they are still finding them. The #justicedepartment needs to know why.
It is different than the #maralagodocuments but kind of the same.
I will say what no one wants to hear. This controversy could bring out the right like abortion did the left.
2024 should be rethought.
Lawyers Found More Classified Documents At Joe Biden's Home
#JoeBiden #justicedepartment #maralagodocuments
The timing us critical and more importantly - DELICATE.
The SOTU is coming up, new Congress, maybe new GOP candidates throw their name(s) into the mix, the chaos in Brazil (which in my opinion is a rehearsal for MAGA when they get the word from Orange Mussolini or when they see him getting cuffed)
It must happen soon!
#uspolitics #jacksmith #maralagodocuments #January6thCommittee #trumpinprison #Trumpism
Trump cannot make a comeback into American politics again.
His poison must be removed and a great American healing begin.
Trump must be indicted for his litany of crimes.
#uspolitics #politicsus #jacksmithdoj #Trumpism #January6thCommittee #January6thInsurrection #maralagodocuments
So happy to meet someone who can sympathize with the criminal law professor who has to listen to people explain how Trump is being persecuted by a weaponized DOJ.
#maralagodocuments #criminaltrump #seditiousconspiracy #coupdetat
#maralagodocuments #criminaltrump #seditiousconspiracy #coupdetat
Link to #11thcircuit decision on #MaraLagoDocuments courtesy of @emptywheel
#11thcircuit #maralagodocuments