Am 12. September 490 v. Chr., heute vor 2512 Jahren, gewannen Athen und seine verbündeten Städte in der Schlacht bei Marathon gegen die von Großkönig Dareios I. angeführten Perser.
Damit beendeten die zahlenmäßig unterlegenen Griechen den Ersten Perserzug.
Das traditionell überlieferte Datum gilt inzwischen jedoch als unsicher; die Schlacht könnte bereits im August 490 v. Chr. stattgefunden haben.
#geschichte #historisch #heutevor #geschichtetoday #antike #athen #marathon #griechenland
#griechenland #marathon #athen #antike #geschichtetoday #heutevor #historisch #geschichte
Kolik sportovkyň musí být poníženo, aby jedna trans-žena se cítila dobře? #london #marathon
168 days to Ventura Marathon. Plan: 10 miles, comfortable pace. Actual: 6 miles, 9:48 pace (avg HR 143). Combined with yesterday's 5 miles, weekend mileage was 11, so okay! #marathontraining #marathon #venturamarathon2024 #workout
#marathontraining #marathon #venturamarathon2024 #workout
169 days to Ventura Marathon. Plan: 25 mins walking. Actual: 5-mile run, easy pace (Avg HR 140). Again splitting my weekend long run between the two days. #venturamarathon2024 #marathontraining #marathon #workout
#venturamarathon2024 #marathontraining #marathon #workout
Fantastic Átjan Wild Islands Mountain Marathon today, although it was raining heavily for the first 3 hours, the trails were wet and muddy, the streams were heavy and the course brutal. Regardless, the sun was shining when we came to the Tjørnuvík finish line, and personally I am very pleased with my 7hrs49min finish time. #mountains #mountaintrail #trail #trailRunning #running #hiking #FaroeIslands #atjan #átjan #mountainmarathon #marathon
#mountains #mountaintrail #trail #trailrunning #running #hiking #faroeislands #atjan #mountainmarathon #marathon
In the bus heading for the start of the Átjan Wild Islands Mountain Marathon. It is raining cats and dogs 😎 #trail #TrailRunning #MountainMarathon #marathon #running #FaroeIslands #hiking
#trail #trailrunning #mountainmarathon #marathon #running #faroeislands #hiking
170 days to Ventura Marathon. Plan: 25 mins core, 35 mins bicycle. Actual: 27 mins core, 35 mins bike (avg HR 123). Feeling a bit stronger, but long way to go aerobically. . . . #marathon #marathontraining #workout #venturamarathon2024
#marathon #marathontraining #workout #venturamarathon2024
En uke og et døgn til eg forhåpentligvis er ferdig med min første #marathon
Så mørkt ut tidligere i uka da jeg ikke var i stand til å stå på ene foten, men lege og røntgen fant ingen brudd eller annet gale, og smertene plutselig borte for et par dager siden. Spasertur og kort joggetur gjennomført i går uten smerter, så on track til å delta på maraton igjen. Men fortsatt ingen tro på seier...
Saturday morning, when we’re supposed to go to the airport to return home, there’s a marathon here. And the roads will be closed.
I am destined to not be able to relax anywhere.
171 days to Ventura Marathon. Plan: 6-mile run, hills. Actual: 6+ miles, flats. Still afraid of bears in the hills! Will start 6 weeks of trail runs (with others!) in a couple weeks though. #venturamarathon2024 #marathon #marathontraining #workout
#venturamarathon2024 #marathon #marathontraining #workout
Wereldtoppers Legese en Azimeraw kiezen voor Amsterdam Marathon: #hardlopen #amsterdammarathon #amsterdam #marathon
#marathon #amsterdam #amsterdammarathon #hardlopen
172 days to Ventura Marathon. Plan: 25 mins core, 35 mins elliptical. Actual: 23 mins core, 35 mins elliptical (avg HR 126). Feeling pretty good! #venturamarathon2024 #marathontraining #marathon #workout
#venturamarathon2024 #marathontraining #marathon #workout
hahahahaha :D
Mexico City Marathon organisers have disqualified 11,000 runners for cheating, after trackers revealed participants had been cutting out sections of the course.
#running #mexicocity #marathon
C’est fait, en écoutant le podcast « Le cours de l’histoire » sur l’éducation spartiate.
173 days to Ventura Marathon. Plan: 8x1/4-mile repeats. Actual: 8x1/4-mile repeats. Legs were jelly after 5 intervals, and I was much slower for the last 3, but I did finish them. Ouch! #venturamarathon2024 #marathon #marathontraining #workout
#venturamarathon2024 #marathon #marathontraining #workout
#Amputees Run To Raise Money For Injured Children In #Lviv #Charity Race
Dozens of amputees took part in a charity half #marathon in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv on Sept 3 to help raise money for children who have suffered traumatic injuries during the russian invasion of #Ukraine
The event was organized by the UNBROKEN foundation, which is providing treatment for hundreds of Ukrainian who suffered other traumatic injuries as a result of the war
Read more here🔗
#amputees #lviv #charity #marathon #ukraine