Ok... I guess the ship is actually the UESC Marathon. I still wonder if the lore has been changed and it was built after a different moon...
So this seems rather deliberate and clever.
So the UESC ship shown in orbit of Tau Ceti IV... is not actually the Marathon. That’s my theory, anyway!
It looks like a full starship stabbed though... tentatively... Earth's moon. Deimos is a lumpy potato. So is Phobos. And the original Marathon looks nothing like a starship spearing a moon.
No idea if the timelines / general world of Marathon match up... but if so, that ain't the UESC Marathon we're seeing! Could be a new ship from Earth 300-ish years later…
One thing I've never done in ttrpg is GM a marathon game (8hrs+) or even a double header session with two like 4 hour sessions with a break in between. I've played in one but never GM'd. Like I obviously wouldn' want to do it a lot, but I would like to definitely so it sometime. #ttrpg #marathongame
Do we need to start a hashtag?
Where are all the #Marathon players?
#MarathonGame #MarathonMac #FPS #Gaming #Bungie #MarathonDurandal #MarathonInfinity
#marathoninfinity #marathondurandal #bungie #gaming #fps #marathonmac #marathongame #marathon