I need you to watch Marc Bernardin's short SPLINTER (2023) because this movie has been living in my head all day. It asks a moral question I didn't notice until much later. #splintermovie #marcbernardin #fatmanbeyond #kevinsmith #newmovies #2023movies
#2023movies #newmovies #kevinsmith #FatmanBeyond #marcbernardin #splintermovie
Watching COCAINE BEAR (2023) on Peacock. Will follow it up with @marcbernardin's SPLINTER (2023) which I backed on Kickstarter.
#cocainebear #splinter #marcbernardin #newmovies #2023movies #kickstarter #fatmanbeyond #peacocktv
#PeacockTV #FatmanBeyond #kickstarter #2023movies #newmovies #marcbernardin #splinter #cocainebear
Watching COCAINE BEAR (2023) on Peacock. Will follow it up with @marcbernardin's SPLINTER (2023) which I backed on Kickstarter.
#cocainbear #splinter #marcbernardin #newmovies #2023movies #kickstarter #fatmanbeyond
#FatmanBeyond #kickstarter #2023movies #newmovies #marcbernardin #splinter #cocainbear