Talking with another #Quaker recently, on discernment of Spirit vs our own ego talking, I mentioned #QuakerAuthor #MarcelleMartin, and her book, A Guide to Faithfulness Groups.
Given the interest among #Pagan groups in discerning the value of #UnverifiablePersonalGnosis or #UPG, such groups would be useful there, too.
(One caveat: Martin’s work is very Christian. Spiritual refugees should take care.)
#upg #unverifiablepersonalgnosis #pagan #marcellemartin #quakerauthor #quaker
@funcrunch @quakers An oversight of ministry committee, or as #QuakerAuthor #MarcelleMartin terms it, a faithfulness group, functions something like an ongoing clearness committee, prayerfully encouraging the person with a ministry to interrogate their leadings, to be bold in expressing them where there is a clear sense of life and presence, but equally bold in laying them down when there is a “stop.”
That help of a loving and seasoned team is invaluable. /2
"Divine revelation does not stop. We are continually asked to attend to the newness that God is always bringing." — #MarcelleMartin via @martin