#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #bestof #marcelmarceau #mime
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #bestof #marcelmarceau #mime
I believe in webs or connections in many ways, Six Degrees style included. So I guess it'd be nice to meet/know someone like #MichaelStuhlbarg for his having studied with #MarcelMarceau as well. Because Marceau met #CharlieChaplin, and who wouldn't like a direct link of even such a kind to Chaplin?
Tho I only ever did a week of mime workshops, age 14. 🤷♀️
Third link for me to fetch something from it otherwise.
#michaelstuhlbarg #marcelmarceau #CharlieChaplin
"Marcel Marceau" was the most viewed wikipedia page on 22 March 2023, nearly 459,409 times!
🇩🇪 Wikipedia Outre-Rhin ?
1. Marcel Marceau #MarcelMarceau
2. Suits-Index #SuitsIndex
3. Drei Tage und ein Leben #DreiTageUndEinLeben
#marcelmarceau #suitsindex #dreitageundeinleben
🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Wikipedia anglophone ?
1. Marcel Marceau #MarcelMarceau
2. World Baseball Classic #WorldBaseballClassic
3. ChatGPT #Chatgpt
#marcelmarceau #worldbaseballclassic #chatgpt
🇫🇷 Quelles ont été les pages les plus vues hier sur Wikipédia ?
1. Marcel Marceau #MarcelMarceau
2. Emmanuelle Mottaz #EmmanuelleMottaz
3. Trois Jours et une vie (film) #TroisJoursEtUneVie(Film)
#marcelmarceau #emmanuellemottaz #troisjoursetunevie #wikipediacuriosite
@DouglasMGordon had the pleasure of talking to @Shawn_Wen about her excellent #MarcelMarceau book for @TTBOOK a while back. Marcel would have been 100-years-old today.
Happy 100th Birthday, Marcel Marceau!
Photo: eBay
#MarcelMarceau #MarcelMarceau100 #Bip #BipTheClown #Mime
#marcelmarceau #marcelmarceau100 #bip #biptheclown #mime
A Strasburgo era #NatoOggi esattamente 100 anni fa il mimo #MarcelMarceau
#22marzo #NatoOggi #marcelmarceau
Cette volière noir et or pour célébrer #MimeMarceau #marcelmarceau « Avant de dire quelque chose, il faut s’assurer que le silence ne soit pas plus important »
#mastoart #lille #deco #cadeau #citation
#MimeMarceau #marcelmarceau #mastoart #lille #deco #cadeau #citation
Anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstages sendet heute Abend ARTE eine Doku über den Pantomimen Marcel Marceau...
#Pantomime #MarcelMarceau
I see from the Google Doodle that today would have been acclaimed mime artist Marcel Marceau's 100th birthday. Here he is in Mel Brooks' Silent Movie where, ironically, he is the only one who speaks.
#melbrooks #mime #marcelmarceau #silentmovie #film
Beautiful doodle by Google commemorating the 100th anniversary of #MarcelMarceau's birth.
#BornOnThisDay #BOTD
#marcelmarceau #bornonthisday #botd
"The first time he used mime was after France was invaded, in order to keep Jewish children quiet while he helped them escape to neutral Switzerland." #MarcelMarceau https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel_Marceau
#GWB - Marcel Marceau: Animiertes Google-Doodle zum 100. Geburtstag des legendären Pantomime-Künstlers - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2023/03/marcel-marceau-animiertes-google/ #MarcelMarceau #Google #doodle
#gwb #marcelmarceau #google #doodle
Google says tomorrow is #MarcelMarceau's 100th birthday. Thanks for the heads up so I can begin pre-loathing mimes again.
Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words?
#MarcelMarceau (1923 – 2007)
Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words?
#MarcelMarceau (1923 – 2007)
Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words?
#MarcelMarceau (1923 – 2007)
Marcel Marceau Cats!
You wouldn't think Cats would make good Marcel Marceau student Mimes, but you'd be mistaken!
Cats are extremely creative, and virtuous, and they love to dress up, and play with imaginary things.
Oh sure, their paws get in the way of invisible walls, and yes, they're not very good at grasping invisible ropes, but they try, and they are good sports at performative role playing!
#ai #cats #marcelmarceau #mime #caturday #catsofmastodon