Ne zaustavljaj otkucaje moga srca! Samo daj mi ljubav... #HodZaŽivot
#MarchForLife #Sisak #Croatia
#HodZaŽivot #marchforlife #Sisak #Croatia
Hey evangelicals:
If you #MarchForLife even now you all know abortion bans endanger women’s lives, but refuse to #MarchForOurLives , we see how truly #ProLife you really are.
COWARDS AND LIARS. Revelation 21:8.
#marchforlife #marchforourlives #prolife
If you #MarchForLife but refuse to #MarchForOurLives I know exactly how #ProLife you really are. Cowards. 🤷♀️
#marchforlife #marchforourlives #prolife
TFW you get Zucked for talking about white nationalists showing up for the SF March for Life. It does fit Fuckerberg's brand to a T to silence those who speak out while inviting Donald Trump to come back to Facebook.
#facebookban #farright #marchforlife #sanfrancisco #facebook
Mainstream anti-abortion activists have long insisted they don’t want to punish people who get abortions. Now, that claim is being put to the test.
#News #abortionbans #texas #Arkansas #oklahoma #marchforlife #anti-abortion #roev.wade #abortion
#News #abortionbans #texas #arkansas #Oklahoma #marchforlife #anti #roev #abortion
Anti-abortion activists spent what would have been the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade celebrating—and trying to figure out what their mission is now.
#News #abortion #anti-abortion #roev.wade #marchforlife #washingtondc
#News #abortion #anti #roev #marchforlife #WashingtonDC
Proud Boys carried an openly white nationalist banner in yesterday's March for Life in San Francisco. The Archdiocese of San Francisco, who are a major force in organizing the March, has some explaining to do.
#sanfrancisco #antifascism #proudboys #marchforlife
The Birth of Roe: A Review of Jane Against the World
In the post I wrote one year ago, Why the March for Life is Not Pro-Life, I remarked that Roe v. Wade wasn't likely to see its 50
#Abortion&ReproductiveJustice #BookReviews #Books #SocialJustice #Abortion #abortionrights #bookreview #marchforlife #nonfiction #nonfictionbookreview #pro-choice #reproductivejustice #reproductiverights #roevwade
#abortion #bookreviews #books #socialjustice #abortionrights #bookreview #marchforlife #nonfiction #nonfictionbookreview #pro #reproductivejustice #reproductiverights #roevwade
Banners were dropped in the bay area today as the annual #MarchforLife event took place in #SanFrancisco.
Bused in forced birth activists marched side by side with white supremacists, Proud Boys, and neo-fascists.
Being Anti-Abortion doesn’t make you Pro-Life.
If you vote against your taxes paying for
Parental Leave
Universal Healthcare
Food Stamps
then you’re not Pro-Life.
You’re Pro-Forced Birth.
Once they’re born, their life means nothing to you.
I don’t even know what to say about the #MAGAs today. A bunch were at that #MarchForLife rally yesterday and they actually applauded a mother who died while having her 4th child.
Now if you are #prolife why aren’t these people thinking about the other 3 children who now have to grow up without their mother? The trauma, the potential financial hardship, etc.? It’s weird to me how once you are born these people could careless about others.
These preprogramed religious youth are not to be blamed they can't help themselves. However their parents should be ashamed of what the've done
“We Will Continue to March Until #Abortion Is Unthinkable.”
The 50th annual March for Life offers a look at the future of the anti-abortion movement.
the #MarchForLife has long included prominent conservatives, local activists, and #busloads of school #children from #Catholic #schools, all determined to end legal abortion.
#abortion #marchforlife #busloads #children #catholic #schools
"Father, we thank You that You raised Your Son to life. That Jesus is not dead, He's alive. And He'll come into each and every heart that confesses their sins and repents and believes on His Name." —@Franklin_Graham #MarchforLife
Heavenly Man, we thank you for raising invisible pink elephants to be the main component of dark matter, otherwise it would all just sound make believe. And please possess your followers like Satan (yet another man) would do.
Members of the neo-Nazi group Patriot Front currently at the national #MarchForLife #MarchForLife2023 in DC passing out recruitment flyers. 🚨
#marchforlife #marchforlife2023
"We need a national ban," on abortion, the two J6'ers at #MarchForLife told me. "From conception to natural death."
One says most politicians lack the courage to do so, and adds "if we would have elected the right people, we wouldn't have ever needed a January 6th!"
Fwiw “thoughts and prayers” are the Christian equivalent of a big “fuck you”. We were all well taught growing up that faith without action is dead and we are here to do good works even if they don’t save us. There is no excuse. #ProLife #MarchForLife #MarchForOurLives 🤷♀️
#prolife #marchforlife #marchforourlives
Watching the "March for Life" on YouTube is a terrifying experience. Not for the content, but that too but just listen to these chants..
"God is good"
(crowd) "God is good"
"All the time!"
(crowd) "All the time!"
What in the actual fuck are they even doing? This is worse then any chant I've heard at Occupy or BLM. It's like someone took the chorus to a gospel song to the wrong venue and decided to run with it. #MarchForLife
Marching for life to be secured,
A vast crowd in DC has convened.
A new beginning for a cause unbeaten
An opportunity for minds to be met.
Advancing their mission, again they compete.
#marchforlife #roevwade #prolife # #poetry
#poetry #marchforlife #prolife #roevwade
Seeing a lot of chin-scratching media takes like, "What will become of the #MarchforLife post-Roe?" Uhh, it'll be what it's ALWAYS been about, a bunch of horrid people swarming together to judge those they deem filthy whores, plus a few misguided catholics.