"To be sure, this total lack of scruples recalls the attitude of the Nietzschean Übermensch, for whom everything is permissible. [..] His desire is to oversee a permanent secession not of the plebs from the patriciate, as occurred in ancient Rome (as in the fable of Menenius Agrippa) but of the patriciate from the plebs."


Capital’s Militant


#marcoderamo #peterthiel #techmoguls #siliconvalley #thiel #palantir #newright #techbros #paypalmafia #newleftreview

Last updated 2 years ago

"The elites are fond of dangling a grass-coloured future in front of us – deodorized, disinfected and depolluted thanks to and . But to produce sufficient we’d have to cover the earth with soy plantations, definitively deforesting the planet .. "



#newleftreview #PrivateJets #inequality #greentransition #greenwashing #greencapitalism #sustainabletransport #marcoderamo #biofuel #electriccars #biofuels

Last updated 2 years ago

"According to a 2017 study, total has dropped by 75% in the last 25 years. [...] There are many causes for this decline, but is certainly one, because the majority of are nocturnal. We don’t realize it, but illuminated are a major migratory destination for insects from the countryside. Light also disturbs their reproductive rituals."

"Starless Sky"


#biodiversity #health #lightpollution #newleftreview #marcoderamo #cities #insects #artificiallighting #insectbiomass

Last updated 2 years ago