#marctheissen - Mistake 6: god didn’t give the 🍊🤡 a square asshole or he’d be shitting bricks
5 Trump mistakes that undercut his 2024 reelection campaign https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/08/22/trump-five-mistakes-legal-woes/
#marctheissen must learn that #alexandrapetri is the #wapo chief satirist. Now go retire
Pence put America first when it counted. He would be a great president. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/06/08/pence-presidential-campaign-announcement-trump/
#marctheissen #alexandrapetri #wapo
#marctheissen - Don’t bogart that joint! Must be some good stuff cause you’re delusional
For Republicans, Ron DeSantis offers the best of two worlds https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/05/25/desantis-republicans-best-choice/
#marctheissen kissed the ass of the 🍊🤡 for so long, I think he should hold the beer for #BidenHarris2024
#hypocrisy thy name is #republican
If voters choose between Trump and Biden, Republicans won’t like the results https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/25/biden-disapproval-rating-reelection-weakness/
#marctheissen #bidenharris2024 #hypocrisy #republican
In the dictionary under “ #magacult “ is a photo of #marctheissen
What hogwash. . .pun intended
An indictment would help Trump. Maybe that’s what Democrats want. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/03/23/indictment-would-help-both-trump-democrats/
Admit it #marctheissen - you just want to see #secretarypetein thigh-high white boots
What Pete Buttigieg could learn from Ron DeSantis https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/03/09/pete-buttigieg-ron-desantis-train-derailment/
#marctheissen #secretarypetein