Stoic Lessons from Marcus Aurelius: Insights from 'Meditations' #stoicism #stoic #stoicphilosophy #marcusaurelius #meditations
#stoicism #stoic #stoicphilosophy #marcusaurelius #meditations
Good decisions come from wisdom.
Wisdom comes from experience.
Experience comes from making bad decisions.
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#fear #cicero #choices #marcusaurelius
Everything’s destiny is to change, to be transformed, to perish.
Read the full article: 195 – Why You Should Care
#MarcusAurelius #Stoicism #Stoic #CoffeeBreak #MartinLutherKing
#martinlutherking #coffeebreak #stoic #stoicism #marcusaurelius
How Do You Know If You're A Good #Leader?
What #MarcusAurelius Learned from His Father About Being a #GoodMan
#leader #marcusaurelius #goodman
Oh yes hello, well: I like early music, proper spelling, Barthelme, Kafka, Orwell, New Wave, Ladytron, 'Saddest Music in the World', Lucky Jim, Joyce, Flann O'Brien. Former altar boy, paralegal, yoga & Stoic philosopher.#constitution #humanist #marcusaurelius #yogaphilosophy #stoic
#constitution #humanist #marcusaurelius #yogaphilosophy #stoic #introduction
Be willing to put up with the crappy parts of a job to gain the skills that could lead to something better.
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#JobSatisfaction #Control #MarcusAurelius #Philosophy #CoffeeBreak
#coffeebreak #philosophy #marcusaurelius #control #jobsatisfaction
When you put some decals on your car and your neighbor says, "oh those are nice," and has no idea what they mean. 😄
If you can make even just 1% progress every day, you will succeed at anything that you mind and energy towards.
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#Stoicism #Stoic #MarcusAurelius #BruceLee #Practice #CoffeeBreak #StoicCoffeeBreak
#stoiccoffeebreak #coffeebreak #practice #brucelee #marcusaurelius #stoic #stoicism
🪷 #Polydeukion head at Berlin #AltesMuseum. He was the favorite pf Herodes Atticus, rich Athenian friend of #Hadrian, who was brought to Rome to educate #MarcusAurelius and Lucius Verus. When Polydeukion died tragically, Herodes Atticus founded a cult like that of #Antinoos. 🪷
#polydeukion #altesmuseum #Hadrian #marcusaurelius #antinoos
Cracking thing to highlight; thank you. And #intel's #graphics card #drivers want to know about #websites you visit, and lots of other #metadata.
Perhaps now is the hour of #linux and #BSD and other potentially #surveillance free &/or #openSource &/or #selfHosted #infrastructure to shine!
Although someone might need to lay some groundwork with some #stoic #philosophy or #authors and promote an #internalLocusOfControl among the gen pop, first 🤪
#Seneca #MarcusAurelius #AntoineDeSaintExupery #RoaldDahl #TELawrence #Diogenes #openBSD #Nextcloud
#dataGrab #joinTheKnitYourOwnCheeseBrigade 😉
#jointheknityourowncheesebrigade #datagrab #nextcloud #openbsd #diogenes #telawrence #roalddahl #antoinedesaintexupery #marcusaurelius #seneca #internallocusofcontrol #authors #philosophy #stoic #infrastructure #selfhosted #opensource #surveillance #bsd #linux #metadata #websites #drivers #graphics #intel
#Stoicism #StoicBooks #Meditations #MarcusAurelius #Seneca #LettersFromAStoic #Epictetus #TheEnchiridion #PersonalGrowth #Philosophy
#stoicism #stoicbooks #meditations #marcusaurelius #seneca #lettersfromastoic #epictetus #theenchiridion #personalgrowth #philosophy
The Impediment to action advances the action. What stands in the way becomes the way --- Marcus Arellius
No matter what you do there will always be some hindrance. This is a fact of life. Get used to the idea of obstructions. They are the normal way of things. Once you understand this you can overcome barriers with less stress. You will expect them. You might not welcome deterrents but you will defeat them.
#druzhina #stoicism #marcusaurelius #philosopy #warrior
Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present
— Marcus Aurelius
#stoic #stoicism #marcusaurelius
Do not indulge in dreams of having what you have not, but reckon up the chief of the blessings you do possess, and then thankfully remember how you would crave for them if they were not yours
— Marcus Aurelius
#stoic #stoicism #marcusaurelius
Begin each day by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness – all of them due to the offenders’ ignorance of what is good or evil
— Marcus Aurelius
#stoic #stoicism #marcusaurelius
When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love
— Marcus Aurelius
#stoic #stoicism #marcusaurelius
If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed.
— Marcus Aurelius
#stoic #stoicism #marcusaurelius
“Accept the things to which fate binds you and love the people with whom fate brings you together but do so with all your heart.”
― Marcus Aurelius
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #marcusaurelius
Marcus Aurelius was not just a Roman emperor. He was also a philosopher who wrote the Meditations, a collection of personal reflections on Stoicism. He wrote the Meditations not for publication, but for himself, as a way of coping with the challenges and pressures of his life. He wrote the Meditations as a guide to living well.
#MarcusAurelius #Meditations #Stoicism
#marcusaurelius #meditations #stoicism
🪷 10 July 138 AD #Hadrian died after 8 years of grieving for #Antinous. His hand-picked successors #AntoninusPius, #LuciusVerus, #MarcusAurelius promoted the religion of #Antinoos and ushered in Rome's final Golden Age. We mourn even as we rejoice: 🪷
#Hadrian #antinous #antoninuspius #luciusverus #marcusaurelius #antinoos