„Just Stop Oil“Haft und Abschiebung für deutschen Klima-Kleber https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/ausland/2023/abschiebung-klima-kleber/ #letzteGeneration #Klimahysterie #MarcusDecker #Abschiebung #JustStopOil #Ausland
#ausland #juststopoil #abschiebung #marcusdecker #klimahysterie #letztegeneration
Stop the deportation of a peaceful climate activist!
"My partner Marcus Decker is being threatened with deportation - because he joined a peaceful protest against the government's inaction on the climate crisis. Please help us and sign this petition calling on the Home Office to stop his deportation."
#petition #climatecrisis #MarcusDecker #UK #prison #politicalprisoners
#politicalprisoners #prison #uk #marcusdecker #climatecrisis #petition
Tomorrow (Sat) from midday to 3pm, in Parliament Square, a peaceful march and musical jam in support of @JustStopOil protestors #MorganTrowland and #MarcusDecker
My piece here on the context of the overwhelming injustice of the case and deportation threat: https://www.darkoptimism.org/2023/05/07/a-message-from-prison-just-stop-oil-protestor-morgan-trowland/
FB event:
#juststopoil #marcusdecker #morgantrowland
Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of #MarcusDecker blocking the Dartford Bridge, the comments of judge #ShaneCollery were grossly unprofessional, and Decker has every right to communicate with journalists. On what grounds did prison officials threaten him if he did so?
England is supposed not to have a politicised judiciary. Or have I missed something?
#marcusdecker #shanecollery #juststopoil