#LyingMarge #LyingMargeGreene whines again.
When SHE does it, it is her right to free speech. When others do it to her, they are just so mean & insane.
SO sad that #MarcusFlowers could not defeat this horrid woman, but her GA district was cut to be a solid red stronghold.
#lyingmarge #lyingmargegreene #marcusflowers #endgerrymandering
The more I think about Marjorie Taylor Greene the more I think about #MarcusFlowers .
#marcusflowers #politics #georgia
I usually don't read cheesy political emails.
However, I opened this one from Marcus Flowers (attempted run, D-14 in GA). What he wrote in this email is just so beautiful I have to forward it publically. I admit it's the first time a political email teared me up.
A 🧵.
Marcus Flowers wrote:
I’ve been thinking for a long time about what to say.
Frankly, “thank you” just doesn’t cover it.
#politics #marcusflowers #mtg #georgia
#MarjorieNaziGreene trending on another social media site.
Someone asked how she could have been reelected. Her district was created by GA GOP legislature & is solid red. But it is appalling that a true American like #MarcusFlowers lost to this deplorable 🤮 person.
Her "ChristianNationalism" is just Nazism in new clothes.
#marjorienazigreene #marcusflowers #christiannazis #christiannazimarge