#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #zemmour #rn #pétain #maréchal
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#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #zemmour #rn #petain #marechal
‘For a Thomist, every solution which makes form alone reveal . . . existential act is absolutely unacceptable, because it adopts and dogmatically asserts the fundamental error of Anselmian false logic: the transition by pure analysis from objective concept to ontological reality.’
#maréchal #metaphysics #thomism #ressourcement #theology #philosophy
#marechal #metaphysics #thomism #ressourcement #theology #philosophy
‘For a Thomist, every solution which makes form alone reveal . . . existential act is absolutely unacceptable, because it adopts and dogmatically asserts the fundamental error of Anselmian false logic: the transition by pure analysis from objective concept to ontological reality.’
#maréchal #metaphysics #thomism #ressourcement #theology #philosophy
#marechal #metaphysics #thomism #ressourcement #theology #philosophy
‘For a Thomist, every solution which makes form alone reveal . . . existential act is absolutely unacceptable, because it adopts and dogmatically asserts the fundamental error of Anselmian false logic: the transition by pure analysis from objective concept to ontological reality.’
#marechal #thomism #ressourcement #theology #philosophy
[#28Novembre] Il y a 75 ans, le #maréchal Philippe #Leclerc mourait accidentellement à 45 ans.
Pour celui qui a lavé l'affront de la #défaite de 1940 et qui est considéré comme le libérateur de #Paris et de #Strasbourg, l’Assemblée Nationale vote des obsèques nationales à l'unanimité.
#28novembre #marechal #Leclerc #defaite #paris #strasbourg
Il y a tout juste 16 ans : on a vu Le Shakespeareland de Marcel Maréchal
Retour de Marcel Maréchal à Lannemezan pour une délicieuse balade dans l'univers des pièces de Shakespeare. Superbe ! La suite sur https://www.bigorre.org/articles_visu.php?id=2006-11-09_le-shakespeareland-de-marcel-marechal @marcelmarechal #marcelmarechal @shakespeare #shakespeare #marcel #marechal #falstaff <img src="https://www.bigorre.org/imgl/20061109_marcel_marechal_les_folles_aventures_de_john_falstaff.jpg" alt="Le Shakespeareland de Marcel Maréchal">
#marcelmarechal #shakespeare #marcel #marechal #falstaff