Instead of using #GonaCon, it must also implement a #FertilityControl program with #PZP that has a 35-year history of being #reversible and #safe even for pregnant #mares.
Although the Theodore Roosevelt #WildHorses are not protected under the 1971 #WildHorsesAndBurrosAct , they’re a significant part of the historical and natural #heritage of the park and the state. Equally important, they’re a huge tourism draw for #NorthDakota.
#northdakota #heritage #wildhorsesandburrosact #wildhorses #mares #safe #reversible #pzp #fertilitycontrol #gonacon
It's #StallionSaturday and here is a group of bachelor stallions on Utah's Onaqui range. Bachelors are young and old stallions who don't have a band or mate. They travel together in loose groups except during peak breeding times.
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#WildHorses #Wildlife #Nature #Horse #Horses #AYearForArt #Mares #Colt #Stallion #WildHorseArt #WildHorsePhotography #Mustangs #Equine #Onaqui #Utah #Animals #Nature #Art #Photography #BuyIntoArt #PhotographyIsArt #IStandWithWildHorses
#stallionsaturday #wildhorses #wildlife #nature #horse #horses #ayearforart #mares #colt #stallion #wildhorseart #WildHorsePhotography #mustangs #equine #Onaqui #utah #animals #art #photography #BuyIntoArt #photographyisart #istandwithwildhorses
It's #FoalFriday! Young two-month-old pinto colt known as Wyatt with his big sister, Prairie who is a yearling, on Utah's west desert. Their auntie Pi is on the right. He is going to be a big guy!
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#WildHorses #Wildlife #Nature #Horse #Horses #AYearForArt #Mares #Colt #Stallion #WildHorseArt #WildHorsePhotography #Mustangs #Equine #Onaqui #Utah #Animals #Nature #Art #Photography #BuyIntoArt #PhotographyIsArt #IStandWithWildHorses
#foalfriday #wildhorses #wildlife #nature #horse #horses #ayearforart #mares #colt #stallion #wildhorseart #WildHorsePhotography #mustangs #equine #Onaqui #utah #animals #art #photography #BuyIntoArt #photographyisart #istandwithwildhorses
#WildHorseWednesday I love this little family! There is also black stallion with the band. He was farther out, keeping a wide perimeter and quickly rushing anyone who crossed the line that he deemed too close.
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#WildHorses #Wildlife #Nature #Horse #Horses #AYearForArt #Mares #Colt #Stallion #WildHorseArt #WildHorsePhotography #Mustangs #Equine #Onaqui #Utah #Animals #Nature #Art #Photography #BuyIntoArt #PhotographyIsArt #IStandWithWildHorses
#wildhorsewednesday #wildhorses #wildlife #nature #horse #horses #ayearforart #mares #colt #stallion #wildhorseart #WildHorsePhotography #mustangs #equine #Onaqui #utah #animals #art #photography #BuyIntoArt #photographyisart #istandwithwildhorses
It's #MustangMonday and this beautiful group of wild mustangs relaxing near the waterhole are part of the stallion Chic's band in the north Onaqui range in Utah.
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#WildHorses #Wildlife #Nature #Horse #Horses #AYearForArt #Mares #Colt #Stallion #WildHorseArt #WildHorsePhotography #Mustangs #Equine #Onaqui #Utah #Animals #Nature #Art #Photography #BuyIntoArt #PhotographyIsArt #IStandWithWildHorses
#mustangmonday #wildhorses #wildlife #nature #horse #horses #ayearforart #mares #colt #stallion #wildhorseart #WildHorsePhotography #mustangs #equine #Onaqui #utah #animals #art #photography #BuyIntoArt #photographyisart #istandwithwildhorses
Blood farms - The true cost of cheap pork
#documentary #animalcruelty #pigs #meat #hormone #mares #PMSG
#pmsg #mares #Hormone #meat #pigs #animalcruelty #documentary
THE VIPP Pack (Very Important Ponies Poop) is coming this way, featuring lovely ladies taking fat shits and pissing for your pleasure and entertainment. Stay tuned for updates :3
#mylittlepony #scat #farting #fetish #mares #art #pack #pony
#mylittlepony #scat #farting #fetish #mares #art #pack #pony
CULTURA| Expedición científica explorará #mares chilenos a bordo del buque alemán SONNE
#diving #wildlife #blue #coral #explore #film #scuba #underwater #discover #documentary #fish #gopro #montenegro #budva #animals #divinglens #swimming #hero #Najlepsze #nurkowanie #explore #survival #films #travel #bubbles #photography #videography #summer #ocean #video #padi #open #water #scubaschools #international #tusa #mares #waterproof #aqualung
#diving #wildlife #blue #coral #explore #film #scuba #underwater #discover #documentary #fish #gopro #montenegro #budva #animals #divinglens #swimming #hero #najlepsze #nurkowanie #survival #films #travel #bubbles #photography #videography #summer #ocean #video #padi #open #water #scubaschools #international #tusa #mares #waterproof #aqualung
RT @PhrmMar: ¿Sabías que esta especie de almeja emite destellos? Por eso se la conoce como "almeja eléctrica" o "almeja discoteca".
#Mares #Investigación #PharmaMar
#mares #investigación #PharmaMar
I finally installed MareQuest, let's have a fun poni adventure. #mares
Mare Monday: Ginger 10yo quarter horse.
Instead of using up server side disk, let's see if a photo link like this works.
#horses #mares #mountedshooting
Tingues un infant menys #ecofeminisme #precarietat #LaColumna #criatures #maternar #mares
#ecofeminisme #precarietat #LaColumna #criatures #maternar #mares
#Mares cansades a punt de saltar per la finestra - @herrerocm de @SindicatMares @socialpuntcat v @lanieto
Materna i decreix, companya #jornadalaboral #feminismes #LaColumna #lacolumna #LaiaGordi #maternar #vacances #treball #opinió #cures #mares
#jornadalaboral #feminismes #LaColumna #LaiaGordi #maternar #vacances #treball #opinió #cures #mares
RT @Europarl_PT: A Conferência dos Oceanos decorre esta semana e conta com a presença dos eurodeputados🇵🇹@sara_saracerdas, @MPizarroPorto, @czorrinho, @NunoMeloCDS e @FGuerreiroMEP para debater uma das prioridades do PE: a preservação dos #mares e #oceanos.
#UNOceanConference #SaveOurOcean
#mares #Oceanos #UNOceanConference #SaveOurOcean