R to @hkdc_us: It was their arrests along with 4 board members including @hoccgoomusic & on Dec 29, 2021 that lead to the closure of & the current trial—along with execs’ & ’s trial, the most direct attack on in . nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us

#margaretng #standnews #appledaily #jimmylai #pressfreedom #hongkong

Last updated 2 years ago

R to @hkdc_us: Most pro-democracy party leaders are in prison or in exile. In the case of Civic Party alone, 5 are/were on trial: in the infamous trial & in the trial, while has left nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us

#alvinyeung #jeremytam #kwokkaki #leeyueshun #nsl47 #margaretng #612humanitarianrelieffund #denniskwok #hongkong

Last updated 2 years ago