The Tyee: Here’s the Perfect Movie for Your Complicated September Emotions #bcnews #TheTyee - via #SundanceFilmFestival #ATasteofHoneymovie #kitchensinkmovies #TheFamilyWaymovie #MargaretThatcher #HarrisDickinson #CharlotteRegan #postwarmalaise #TonyRichardson #VanCityTheatre #Scrappermovie #HywelBennett #LolaCampbell #TheFullMonty #BillyElliot #HayleyMills #LynneRamsay #MikeLeigh
#BCNews #TheTyee #sundancefilmfestival #atasteofhoneymovie #kitchensinkmovies #thefamilywaymovie #margaretthatcher #harrisdickinson #charlotteregan #postwarmalaise #tonyrichardson #vancitytheatre #scrappermovie #HywelBennett #lolacampbell #thefullmonty #billyelliot #hayleymills #lynneramsay #mikeleigh
Credit: #MargaretThatcher and #RonaldRegan and their devotees.
#margaretthatcher #ronaldregan
“To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan; you should wear it inside, where it functions best.”
― Margaret Thatcher
#bot #quote #wisdom #margaretthatcher
« Auteur de #Margaret ThatcherLInoxydable, le réalisateur #GuillaumePodrovnik revient sur son rapport intime à cette figure politique, en présence de l’humoriste #GuillaumeMeurice, narrateur du #documentaire. »
#MargaretThatcher #Thatcher #thatchérisme #néolibéralisme #inégalités #RoyaumeUni #UKPol #SériesTélé
#margaret #guillaumepodrovnik #guillaumemeurice #documentaire #margaretthatcher #thatcher #thatcherisme #neoliberalisme #inegalites #royaumeuni #ukpol #seriestele
#boomerissimo #francoismitterand #margaretthatcher #vintagegossip #storia
#boomerissimo #francoismitterand #margaretthatcher #vintagegossip #storia
#BobbySands died on hunger strike a month after being elected MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone.
His election had been such a powerful statement against the British government under #MargaretThatcher that it immediately passed the Representation of the People (sic) Act 1981 to stop the electorate doing it again.
#Labour’s Roy Hattersley spoke out against it on principle.
Again, those convicted of crimes should be able to vote and also be elected. #Democracy, such as it is, requires it.
#labour #margaretthatcher #Democracy #BobbySands
Ironically it was #margaretthatcher who set up the #auditcommission in the first place. One aspect of her legacy that I am sorry to lose!
#margaretthatcher #auditcommission
Of the music she created, one song sticks out in my mind as more important. Her scathing take-down of #MargaretThatcher in 1990, after a decade of Thatcherism in Britain.
"Black Boys On Mopeds"
England's not the mythical land of Madame George and roses
It's the home of police who kill Black boys on Mopeds
Many others have covered the song and repeated its truths.
#hate #UK #Ireland #tories #Racism #folkrock #folk #eddiefm #margaretthatcher #sineadoconnor #RIP
Cambiare il sistema, correggerlo o finire nell’abisso?
Von Hayek e Margaret Thatcher
Von Hayek sosteneva che "il controllo economico non è il semplice controllo di un settore della vita umana che può essere separato dal resto; è il controllo dei mezzi per tutti i nostri fini". Solo ch
#Editoriale #CambiareIlSistema #Correttivi #FurioColombo #giustizia #Ingiustizie #MargaretThatcher #Pasolini #VonHayek
#editoriale #cambiareilsistema #correttivi #FurioColombo #giustizia #ingiustizie #margaretthatcher #pasolini #vonhayek
With Rachel Reeves channeling the ghost of Margaret Thatcher, Labour looks to take on the mantle of the Nasty Party. The principal difference with Thatcher is that Reeves can't count.
#RachelReeves #Labour #MargaretThatcher
#rachelreeves #labour #margaretthatcher
That conclusion is exactly where #margaretthatcher ended up just over forty years ago.
At least at the start she did have time for argument and evidence!
The Tyee: Are These the End Times? Who Will Save Us? #bcnews #TheTyee - via #EndTimes:Elites,Counter-ElitesandthePathofPoliticalDisintegration #ComplexityScienceHubVienna #U.S.PresidentDonaldTrump #FranklinDelanoRoosevelt #historianPeterTurchin #popularimmiseration #TheGreatDepression #Americancivilwar #MargaretThatcher #medievalEurope #SecondWorldWar #U.S.democracy #cliodynamics #PenguinPress #RonaldReagan
#BCNews #TheTyee #endtimes #complexitysciencehubvienna #U #FranklinDelanoRoosevelt #historianpeterturchin #popularimmiseration #thegreatdepression #americancivilwar #margaretthatcher #medievaleurope #secondworldwar #cliodynamics #penguinpress #RonaldReagan
@Jgmeadows Maybe that was #MargaretThatcher’s true talent: she convinced voters to accept the pain to get the gain. Sadly, in her case, she was probably mostly wrong, so it didn’t work out so well for everyone. 🤔
Similarly,perhaps, #EmmanuelMacron is arguably right about the need for pension reform, but the unpopularity of such measures has been successfully exploited by others to forward their own political future by making unrealistic promises they can’t keep. 🤷♂️
#EmmanuelMacron #margaretthatcher
Who knew that the pirate station Radio Caroline laid the groundwork for the Thatcherite revolution? Also connected - Institute for Economic Affairs.
#pirate #radio #caroline #RadioCaroline #Thatcher #MargaretThatcher #thatcherism #ThinkTank #ThinkTanks #UK #FreeMarket
#freemarket #UK #thinktanks #thinktank #thatcherism #margaretthatcher #thatcher #radiocaroline #caroline #Radio #pirate
@emilymbender Graduate students who do research in #chemistry writ large develop skills that can lead to ALL SORTS of careers!
#GeoffreyHinton #MargaretThatcher #AngelaMerkel
#chemistry #geoffreyhinton #margaretthatcher #AngelaMerkel
The #AuditCommission had been set up by #margaretthatcher in the 1980s but was abolished by the #Conservative led #coalition in the early 2010s.
Yet the #Conservatives have the nerve to accuse #labour of financial improvidence in #local #Government!
#auditcommission #margaretthatcher #conservative #coalition #conservatives #labour #Local #government
When did #StarWarsDay start and who coined the phrase?
One of the earliest uses of the phrase “May the Fourth be with you” came on May 4, 1979, when a London newspaper writer congratulated Britain’s new prime minister, #MargaretThatcher, on her first day of office.
In a full-page ad the writer said, “#MaytheFourth Be With You, Maggie. Congratulations!”
Over 40 years later, fans across the globe continue to spread Star Wars cheer.
#gutzuwissen #maythefourth #margaretthatcher #starwarsday
* "group size and the need to represent diversity":
* "pressures for conformity and concerns for epistemic reputation":
Realism is a demand dressed up as an observation. Realists like #MargaretThatcher insisted "#ThereIsNoAlternative" to #neoliberalism, but what she meant was "stop trying to think of an alternative."
#margaretthatcher #thereisnoalternative #neoliberalism
#OnThisDay, May 4, 1979, Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to be elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (depicted in The Iron Lady, 2011)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #Histodons #TheIronLady #MargaretThatcher
#onthisday #film #movies #cinemastodon #histodons #theironlady #margaretthatcher