Ich habe neulich ein Buch meiner one-and-only Lieblingsautorin #MargePiercy gefunden, das ich nicht kannte: "Vida"
Geschrieben 1979, angelehnt an den #WeatherUnderground.
"VIDA is the most important novel yet written about the political ’60s and ’70s; it is at the same time a sensual and moving love story. Vida is full of the pleasures and pains, the experiments, disasters and victories of an extraordinary band of people."
#margepiercy #weatherunderground
#MargePiercy: He, She and It.
Eins meiner liebsten Bücher, unangefochten.
Es ist 32 Jahre alt, erschienen 1991.
"I have found the newsletters and meetings of the Artificial Intelligence group of the Boston Computer Society stimulating."
".. be aware that even now companies are working on sensor nets that permit a person to "walk into" data and experience it as real objects in imaginary space."
Aus den Danksagungen.