How it started: “I should really focus more on fueling during my long bike rides”
How it’s going: Ordered 12 lbs of maltodextrin, soft flasks, and a gram scale.
#cycling #nutrition #marginalgains
I did get up the front for a photo. So that's a win I guess. #marginalgains
I should have been a pro sports person. That way, I could be retired and miserable now, instead of busy and miserable.
First shite neighbours party since Xmas this morning. I think that was the longest break since the first lockdown. Started after midnight, on the bright side no audible Muzak for twens, just hysterical yelling and jumping up and down until 3-4 in the morning.
Managed to lie on the side with ANC earbuds on a U-shaped pillow, couldn't sleep but at least I had a nice rain and ocean soundtrack instead.
Felt destroyed in the morning but picked myself up for noon. Progress, I guess.
Die ganzen "Damit wird man das Klima auch nicht retten" Leute sollen mal mit Team Sky über marginal gains sprechen.
Klar klingt "spart 4% CO2" nach wenig aber zwanzig solche Maßnahmen und wir sind bei 80% Einsparung.
Und wir haben keine Zeit mehr zum Abwägen.
Wir müssen nicht DIE Maßnahme finden.
Wir müssen versuchen so viele wie möglich umzusetzen.
#kretschmann #klimakrise #marginalgains
#kretschmann #klimakrise #marginalgains