“Fascism in Florida? - DeSantis defunds equality in education and attacks inclusion… Again.
Florida's Burgermeister, Despicable Desantis signs legislation to #defund diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs at state colleges and universities. A link to Florida “Senate bill-266” is below with others regarding “Raging Ron’s” recent campaigns against personal choice. DeSantis has been very busy undermining individual freedom in many ways.
The signing of SB-266, which prohibits public universities from using state funds for (DEI) diversity, equity and inclusion programs, seems likely to effect all marginalized groups in the Sunshine State, including the #DisabilityCommunity. Will the Americans with Disabilities Act be under attack next? Will this lead to a rash of violations of the ADA?
The LGBTQIA+ community was not excluded from Florida’s acts of exclusion. Aside from SB-266, Desantis’ signing of Senate Bill 1580, allows “healthcare providers and insurers to deny a patient care on the basis of religious, moral, or ethical beliefs”. Considering the absence of morals or ethics with many, this is outright dangerous.
The bill also “bars Medical Boards from disciplining doctors for spreading misinformation”. SB-1580 also opens the door for discrimination in hiring.
Will the “religious, ethical or moral beliefs” of some providers be used to exclude individuals practicing Judaism or Islam from receiving medical treatment, as well. “Sorry, the doctor will not see you now because you are not Christian, CIS/HET, white, abled, neurotypical or a fascist“. Is this a preview of what to expect if he is elected in 2024?
Just like an annoying infomercial, “wait there’s more". A 5th grade Hernando county teacher is under state investigation for showing the Disney movie Strange World to her class, because it has a gay character. The storyline of a boy who had a crush on another boy was called “inappropriate”. Will Florida ask Disney to stop making such movies or ask them to leave the state, citing “indoctrnation" to the “woke agenda"?
Florida's economy relys heavily on tourism. There is no state income tax because of tourist spending and sales tax. Perhaps defunding Florida by vacationing elsewhere is one good way to respond. FYI, #California oranges are equally equal delicious and do not have that aftertaste of blatant bigotry. Perhaps, the state may want to consider replacing the “orange” on their license plate with another food item… a loaf of white bread.
Don't forget the ALT text.
Desantis defunds DEI: https://www.npr.org/2023/05/15/1176210007/florida-ron-desantis-dei-ban-diversity
What is SB266: https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/whats-sb-266-desantis-signs-college-culture-war-bill-into-law/3034800/
SB 266, the bill: https://flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/266
SB 1580, “A License to Discriminate in Healthcare": https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/breaking-gov-desantis-signs-extreme-license-to-discriminate-healthcare-bill
Truthout .org on SB 1580: https://truthout.org/articles/floridas-latest-anti-lgbtq-law-legalizes-medical-discrimination/
Advocate .com on SB 1580: https://www.advocate.com/politics/ron-desantis-discriminate-law-lgbtq
SB 1580, the bill: https://flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1580
“Florida teacher investigated by DeSantis admin for showing Disney Film" (USA Today):
Disney vs DeSantis history: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2023-04-26/everything-to-know-about-the-disney-desantis-fight
Disney – DeSantis feud timeline: https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graphics/2023/05/16/graphics-timeline-illustrates-bitter-details-of-disney-desantis-dispute/11750086002/
Disney vs DeSantis goes to class: https://www.benzinga.com/general/entertainment/23/05/32425717/disney-vs-desantis-now-goes-directly-to-classroom-with-teacher-under-investigation
#CivilRights #InvisibleDisabilityRights #EndAbleism #EndRacism #LGBTQIARights #BLM #WomensRights #EndBigotry #StopAsianHate #disability #DisabilitySolidarity #MarginalizedCommunitiesUnite #UnityConquers #equality #inclusion #diversity #TearDownTheWall #desantis #florida #fascism #StopHate #Love4All #LoveOneAnother #Hypochristians
#DEFUND #disabilitycommunity #california #civilrights #InvisibleDisabilityRights #endableism #endracism #lgbtqiarights #blm #womensrights #endbigotry #StopAsianHate #disability #DisabilitySolidarity #marginalizedcommunitiesunite #unityconquers #equality #inclusion #diversity #teardownthewall #desantis #florida #fascism #stophate #love4all #loveoneanother #hypochristians