@insiderphd I have an 11inch pro and a Mini because the latter fits into my jacket. I prefer the Mini for reading reflowable stuff, reading in bed and writing notes on the go (and social networks).
I prefer the Pro for reading academic papers (usually in A4 format) and for taking notes while reading (#marginNote, #ConceptsApp, #DevonThink, #Obsidian)
Both work fine with the pencil for all UCs but I prefer the Pro for longer/serious work/office stuff. However, the Mini is always on me.
#marginnote #conceptsapp #devonthink #obsidian
@mstine Yes, I can see why you say that, and I'm guessing it's just a matter of time before we'll be able to create a Canvas that has a PDF on it that you can then annotate in a way that integrates with all the other stuff you have in Obsidian.
I love #LiquidText and #Marginnote, but despite using both for a couple of small projects, they feel too cramped for me. I think I won't use apps like those until they are turned into Minority Report–like augmented reality apps.
还有为了做数学笔记我又开始用 #marginnote 了(沉迷ob太久,所有能md纯文本的都用ob了)
我对mg的脑图从思维导图升级成无限草稿一直很满意,不过之后我一直属于摊大饼式无限草稿写法⬇️ 现在终于又可以organized有章法一点hhh
mg真好用 :ablobaww: 属于若即若离念念不忘,只要派得上用场就永远贴心的老情人。不像notion这种,属于年少不懂事的初恋,现在完全没有旧情复燃的欲望而且每次想起来的最大感受都是“以前的自己太傻逼了”()