RT @elizabethotaval@twitter.com
Hoy será la audiencia de vinculación al subt S.C. @Fiscal@twitter.comía con elementos suficientes y la @Justicia@twitter.com determinará a los servidores policiales responsables de la muerte de mi hija en la ESP Qué pasó con los altos mandos? @Germ@twitter.cománCáceres prófugo
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/elizabethotaval/status/1603000235613196288
#verdadyjusticia #mariabelenbernal
#Ecuador 🔴#ATENCIÓN🔴La @AsambleaEcuador aprobó el pasado jueves 17 de noviembre, el informe presentado por la Comisión Ocasional que investiga el caso de #MariaBelenBernal.
En el informe menciona que existe "responsabilidad política"
Dale clic aquí: https://t.co/I6rs1Wsfaf
#hdr #mariabelenbernal #atencion #Ecuador
Buenos días
Cadete de la policía ecuatoriana, buscado como presunto responsable del feminicidio de su esposa, #MariaBelenBernal, está prófugo
This lieutenant of the ecuadorian police killed Maria Belén Bernal (his wife) inside of the police academy in front of at least 50 witnesses between cadets and high rank members of the police, they heard her screaming for help but didn't do anything, instead they helped him carry the body to his wife's car and let him go so he can hide it.
The only reason why the police started to "investigate" was that the mother of Maria Belén Bernal after reporting that her daughter went missing and seeing that the police wasn't doing anything anything to finder her, she decided to call a local radio station and asks them for help, this became viral and the police had no other option but start to investigate.
Now after they let that police man run away they are trying to clean their hands by giving money for information about the location of the lieutenant ( the killer) the body hasn't been found yet.
This lieutenant of the ecuadorian police killed Maria Belén Bernal (his wife) inside of the police academy in front of at least 50 witnesses between cadets and high rank members of the police, they heard her screaming for help but didn't do anything, instead they helped him carry the body to his wife's car and let him go so he can hide it.
The only reason why the police started to "investigate" was that the mother of Maria Belén Bernal after reporting that her daughter went missing and seeing that the police wasn't doing anything anything to finder her, she decided to call a local radio station and asks them for help, this became viral and the police had no other option but start to investigate.
Now after they let that police man run away they are trying to clean their hands by giving money for information about the location of the lieutenant ( the killer) the body hasn't been found yet.
#Ecuador #MariaBelenBernal #DondeEstaMariaBelen
Viva entró, viva la queremos https://t.co/hGVD1cTn6U
#dondeestamariabelen #mariabelenbernal #Ecuador
#Ecuador #ATENCION I @FiscaliaEcuador allanó hoy el área del pelotón femenino de la Escuela Superior de @PoliciaEcuador en #Pusuqui, para ejecutar la orden de detención con fines investigativos de la KDT Joselyn Brigitte S. P., dentro del caso #MariaBelenBernal.
#0Impunidad #DianaSalazar https://t.co/C3gpxY9eUs
#dianasalazar #0impunidad #mariabelenbernal #pusuqui #atencion #Ecuador
#MaríaBelénBernal hace 5 días fue a la escuela de Policía a visitar a su esposo un teniente de la policía nacional de #Ecuador y nunca más salió de ahí.
#MaríaBelénBernal hace 5 días fue a la escuela de Policía a visitar a su esposo un teniente de la policía nacional de #Ecuador y nunca más salió de ahí.