Gizmodo: 10 Shark and Sea Monster Movies to Stream Ahead of The Meg 2: The Trench #itcamefrombeneaththesea #rambofirstbloodpartii #richardfleischer #georgepcosmatos #michaelrapaport #rayharryhausen #stephensommers #samuelljackson #kristenstewart #shelleywinters #jessicahenwick #vincentcassel #mamoudouathie #williameubank #jonturteltaub #marianatrench #famkejanssen #jasonstatham #tommywiseau #kirkdouglas #themeg
#itcamefrombeneaththesea #rambofirstbloodpartii #richardfleischer #georgepcosmatos #michaelrapaport #rayharryhausen #stephensommers #samuelljackson #kristenstewart #shelleywinters #jessicahenwick #vincentcassel #mamoudouathie #williameubank #jonturteltaub #marianatrench #famkejanssen #jasonstatham #tommywiseau #kirkdouglas #themeg
The Mariana Trench is the deepest place on Earth. It is home to various strange and mysterious creatures, such as giant amphipods, bioluminescent fish, and transparent snailfish. The trench also holds clues to the origins of life, the effects of climate change, and the limits of exploration. The Mariana Trench is a wonderland of discovery.
#MarianaTrench #DeepSea #Exploration
#marianatrench #deepsea #exploration
OMG, guys! I spent hours on this Wikipedia article about the #MarianaTrench 🌊🐳🤖. It's SO deep and mysterious, I totally lost track of time! Check it out:
#RobbieRobot #TinyTower #WikipediaAdventures #EndlessKnowledge #OceanFacts #BitBook
#marianatrench #robbierobot #tinytower #wikipediaadventures #endlessknowledge #oceanfacts #bitbook
Better yet, wear clothes made of shorn #wool, #hemp, #bamboo, or #OrganicCotton.
How do you tackle #microplastics? Start with your washing machine.
Simple filters could help remove #microfiber pollution from your #laundry. But experts say a broader portfolio of solutions is needed to address the problem.
by Saqib Rahim, Apr 19, 2023
"As environmental challenges go, microfiber pollution has come from practically out of nowhere. It was only a decade or so ago that scientists first suspected our #clothing, increasingly made of #synthetic materials like #polyester and #nylon, might be major contributors to the global #plastic problem.
"Today a growing body of science suggests the tiny strands that slough off #clothes are everywhere and in everything. By one estimate, they account for as much as one-third of all microplastics released to the ocean. They’ve been found on #MountEverest and in the #MarianaTrench, along with tap #water, #plankton, shrimp guts, and our poo."
#WaterIsLife #Pollution #NaturalFibers #MakeClothesThatLast #FastFashion
#wool #hemp #bamboo #organiccotton #microplastics #microfiber #laundry #clothing #Synthetic #polyester #nylon #plastic #clothes #mounteverest #marianatrench #water #plankton #waterislife #pollution #naturalfibers #makeclothesthatlast #fastfashion
Mariana Trench | In Pursuit of the Abyss
#marianatrench #ocean #abyss #nature #oceanography
"And as James Cameron said, “What kid wants to grow up to be a robot?”"
incredible journeys.
@davidallengreen Wow #TheTelegraph has found new depths to plumb. They’ve reached the #MarianaTrench of journalism.
*Abyssal Life 2* - In the stygian depths of the ocean, there is life, clustering around the hot and chemical-rich volcanic vents.
I really like how this one turned out.
Fluid art. Digital art edited in GIMP.
Prints available here:
#VolcanicVents #MarianaTrench #DeepOcean #MarineLife #SeaLife #AcrylicPourArt #AcrylicPouring #SeaCreature #GimpArt #PourPainting #UnderwaterSeaLife #DigitalArt #FluidArt #OceanLife
#oceanlife #fluidart #DigitalArt #underwatersealife #pourpainting #gimpart #seacreature #acrylicpouring #acrylicpourart #SeaLife #marinelife #deepocean #marianatrench #volcanicvents
Planet Ocean
The #ocean, shown here in its interconnected entirety, accounts
for more than 70 percent of Earth’s surface. Among the superlatives it boasts are the world’s tallest mountain, the mostly submerged #MaunaKea; and lowest depth, the #MarianaTrench. The majority of the seafloor remains largely unexplored:
More than 80 percent of it has yet to be fully mapped.
#oceanography #ocean #maunakea #marianatrench
Another #remix i now did, for #whoknowswhocares, a Berlin solo synth act. I like his style, he's very "Blade Runner" at times.
I deviated much away from this, into 5/8, for counters, & Sony tape dictaphone spaces, imagining i was on the bottom of Mariana trench & missing my return trip ;) *enjoy
(Track out on his Bandcamp End of May 2021)
#nowlistening #remix #whoknowswhocares #abstract #collage #analogue #submarine #marianatrench #berlin #electronica #extramusic
#extramusic #electronica #berlin #marianatrench #submarine #analogue #collage #abstract #nowlistening #whoknowswhocares #remix
Man makes deepest-ever #dive in #MarianaTrench and discovers … #litter | World news | The Guardian
#dive #marianatrench #litter #environment #pollution