What the eff is with all the sudden #MariannaSpring bashing, from some of the sort #Twitter centrist dad "radicals" who'll demand everything short of secret services intervention to stop people with opinions to the left of theirs having any influence at all?
And they're complaining about a 27 year old genuine expert on the far right conspiracy movement having got a high profile job with the BBC?
'The #BBC’s #MariannaSpring: ‘The more violent the rhetoric, the more important it is I expose it’ -' https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/sep/04/bbc-marianna-spring-violent-rhetoric-conspiracyland #Disinformation #FactChecking #ConspiracyFantasy
#conspiracyfantasy #factchecking #disinformation #mariannaspring #bbc
"The Light: Inside the UK’s conspiracy theory newspaper that shares violence and hate"
Excellent work by journalist #MariannaSpring.
I note that the company controlling #TheLight was dissolved some time ago, so the paper's funding chain is unknown. Even assuming the 100k print run is exaggerated, the cost of publishing the paper will be substantial.
#DarrenNesbit #ConspiracyTheories #Fascist #Nazi #DemokratischerWiderstand #Reichsbuerger
#mariannaspring #thelight #darrennesbit #conspiracytheories #fascist #nazi #demokratischerwiderstand #reichsbuerger
Please listen to #MariannaSpring. the BBC's superb new disinformation correspondent. We used to joke about #Totnes being twinned with Narnia -but now the far-right is taking over.
#Skwawkbox | The new #BBCVerify #Journalist appears in #PaulMason’s correspondence with intelligence services
Ha! #BBC ignores it's own #FakeNews and sets up BBC Verify to look into fringe #media
Yet their #SocialMedia Correspondent #MariannaSpring appears in Paul Mason's emails with the security services
#mariannaspring #socialmedia #media #fakenews #bbc #paulmason #journalist #bbcverify #SKWAWKBOX
I am uncertain if you and I need any more reminders of the harm that some social media sites may be catalysts of if there are no functional ethical oversights. If you have some time and if you wish to explore an empowering disinformation correspondent's exploration of Twitter and its new owner, then I highly recommend this.
🌻 #MariannaSpring #BBC #makinghealthierchoices #lovingkindness
#mariannaspring #bbc #makinghealthierchoices #lovingkindness
#How Elon Musk's tweets unleashed a wave of hate"
5o do what she does, journalist #MariannaSpring must have the hide of a rhinoceros. I tip my hat to her.
#how #mariannaspring #elonmusk #twitter
Just subscribed: [PODCAST] “Death by Conspiracy?” by #mariannaspring
https://pca.st/podcast/9c2f72b0-71f7-013a-d791-0acc26574db2 #ConCW #MediaLit #politics #ConspiracyTheory
#mariannaspring #ConCW #medialit #politics #conspiracytheory