Songs that Feature Birds #1
Mariee Sioux, 'My Birds'
'Mourning birds they bring in the dawn, the dawn’s unfolding wings
My birds they bring in the dawn, the dawn's unfolding wings
My birds they sing for the dawn, the dawn's unfolding wings'
Album of the day is 'Invitation' by Heather Woods Broderick. Lush, atmospheric songwriting. Try it if you like #IsobelCampbell #aleladiane #marieesioux #sharonvanetten
#music #sharonvanetten #marieesioux #aleladiane #IsobelCampbell
#ListeningTo "Grief in Exile Album Release Concert 6/9/19" by #MarieeSioux Released May 1, #2020 via #Bandcamp #StayAtHomeIfYouCanMusic
#marieesioux #listeningto #bandcamp #StayAtHomeIfYouCanMusic
"Gift For The End" by #MarieeSioux
#acoustic #folk #NativeAmerican #acoustic #guitar #female #indie #NevadaCity #NewAge #SingerSongwriter #spiritual #USofA #2012
via #NightbloomRecords + #Bandcamp
#marieesioux #acoustic #folk #nativeamerican #listeningto #guitar #female #indie #nevadacity #newage #singersongwriter #spiritual #usofa #nightbloomrecords #bandcamp