Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Jezebel's Song of the Summer Tournament: Round 2 Sees Some Shocking Departures #Jezebel #mtveuropemusicawardforbestsong #alliwantforchristmasisyou #vh1stop40videosoftheyear #entertainmentculture #brianalexandermorgan #mariefredriksson #christmasinjuly #billboardawards #christinaperri #carlyraejepsen #charliewilson #robinsthirty #rebeccablack #janetjackson #beyonce
#jezebel #mtveuropemusicawardforbestsong #AllIWantForChristmasIsYou #vh1stop40videosoftheyear #entertainmentculture #brianalexandermorgan #mariefredriksson #christmasinjuly #billboardawards #christinaperri #carlyraejepsen #charliewilson #robinsthirty #rebeccablack #JanetJackson #beyonce
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Is the Ultimate Summer Bop Happy or Sad? Welcome to Jezebel's Song of the Summer Tournament #Jezebel #scottishsinglesandalbumscharts #billboardyearendhot100singles #alliwantforchristmasisyou #entertainmentculture #brianalexandermorgan #megantheestallion #christinaaguilera #mariefredriksson #billboardcharts #christmasinjuly #christinaperri #carlyraejepsen #luisfonsi
#jezebel #scottishsinglesandalbumscharts #billboardyearendhot100singles #AllIWantForChristmasIsYou #entertainmentculture #brianalexandermorgan #MeganTheeStallion #christinaaguilera #mariefredriksson #billboardcharts #christmasinjuly #christinaperri #carlyraejepsen #luisfonsi
Hoy recordamos con mucho cariño a #MarieFredriksson, nacida un 30 de mayo de 1958 en Össjö, Suecia. Con una infancia difícil y mucho trabajo para llegar a la cima, su prístina voz dejó una huella que trascendió fronteras, idiomas y corazones 🌹❤
I first discovered Roxette when visiting my father in Stockholm before they hit it big with Look Sharp. Imagine my surprise when that happened!
Soul Deep is the first song of theirs I ever heard.
#mariefredriksson #JukeboxFridayNight #rockandrolldivas
My favorite #MarieFredriksson song!
Marie Fredriksson · Song · 1996
Click to see the original lyrics (Swedish)
I want to feel faith
I want to feel tomorrow come in peace and quiet
In a winter world, is there any faith?
I want to feel the desire for a time as bright as freedom
Feel faith again
The dreams we dream feel like pale autumns
Where summer has already rained away
It doesn't matter how we cry our tears,
The answers are a whisper in a world far away
I want to feel faith...
To want to but not to know is difficult
To see but not to hear
You turned away
You said: Nothing is given, that's life
In my words there is no wish, no desire and longing
Alguna vez en el #EscuchaParlante hicimos un especial dedicado a #MarieFredriksson que quedó bien bonito...
#escuchaparlante #mariefredriksson
Una de las mejores performances que le vi a #MarieFredriksson, con una canción de las menos conocidas y más bellas de #Roxette. #IWishICouldFly
#mariefredriksson #roxette #iwishicouldfly
Auf mehrfachen Wunsch soll ich hier die Freitagsmusik einführen.
Ich versuche es dann einfach mal.
Roxette mit »Here comes the Weekend« aus dem Album »Tourism« (1992).
Mit der unvergleichlichen Stimme von Marie Fredriksson († 9. Dezember 2019).
#roxette #mariefredriksson #Fredriksson #musikfreitag #musicfriday
#UnDiaComoHoy en 2019 murió la cantante de #Roxette, #MarieFredriksson 🙏❤️
#undiacomohoy #roxette #mariefredriksson
#UnDiaComoHoy en 2019 murió la cantante de #Roxette, #MarieFredriksson 🙏❤️
#undiacomohoy #roxette #mariefredriksson
#UnDiaComoHoy en 2019 falleció la cantante de #Roxette, #MarieFredriksson 🙏❤️
#undiacomohoy #roxette #mariefredriksson