@joseruizaviles te entiendo totalmente.
Ahora si que aplica la de #MarieKondo quedate con lo que te hace feliz y usas mucho en los últimos 3meses...lo demás regalalo o vendelo
Si pasa eso y lo necesitarás d nuevo lo compras (aunque sea 2da mano), de lo contrario pues solo se está empolvando y alguien más le puede sacar mejor provecho
Happy birthday to my first book baby! "Clutter: An Untidy History" made its debut on 9/1/20. Three years and three editions later, it's earned out its advance and is still finding readers. I hope it won't be an only child too much longer, but I sure am grateful for it. Thank you to everyone who's bought, borrowed, read, listened to, shared, posted about, or otherwise supported it (and its author). I heart all of you. #clutter #decluttering #organizing #MarieKondo #consumerism #bookstodon
#bookstodon #consumerism #mariekondo #Organizing #decluttering #clutter
@jda I #MarieKondo’d my computer books years ago. I had way too many “Learn JavaScript in 24 hours” type books for technologies I never used and books about tech that had had their day (too many XML books.) I just kept the classics. Nothing of value was lost.
#JoyBehar Laughs off #Trump’s Claims He Didn’t Have “a Chance” to Sort Through #ClassifiedDocs: “It’s Like the #MarieKondo Defense!”
#joybehar #trump #classifieddocs #mariekondo
@awalton @hacks4pancakes
🥥 I would have a snappy comeback if I could just remember #MarieKondo's name. 🥥
Tried watching the Marie Kondo Tidying Up show and they sprinkled in her philosophy but most of it was about a highly dysfunctional couple ignoring their actual problems and just hoping getting rid of junk fixed their marriage. Literal waste of time.
Ich habe in der letzten Zeit wieder einiges ausgemistet. Bevor ich es aber wegwerfe, stelle ich es immer an die Straße zum verschenken. Leider ist das Wetter seit 2 Wochen so schlecht, das der Haufen im Flur immer größer wird. Sommer, wo bist du?
Seit 2 Wochen max 11- 20 Grad, mit viel Wind und Regen.
#sommer #mariekondo #ausmisten
😊 👍
Heilige Unordnung: Ein Lob auf das Chaos: Warum das Versprechen des Minimalismus ein buchstäblich leeres ist. https://bellevue.nzz.ch/design-wohnen/lob-des-chaos-warum-unordnung-zu-hause-gut-ist-ld.1742301
#mariekondo #minimalismus #aufraumen #unordnung
こんまり夫婦プレゼンツ、自分の強みを見つめる方法! https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1772601/nogizaka46/
##ときめく #DWcX8Ts-vTo #GW #https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBy-BFf7XO7wCfwVAC_tBig #Mariekondo #Nogizaka46 #UChrwWDsptJWqbV_oPKdHk1Q #Vlog #キレイ #くらし・あんしん #ゴールデンウィーク #こんまり #こんまり夫婦プレゼンツ自分の強みを見つめる方法 #スッキリ #ステイホーム #トキメキ #乃木坂46 #健康 #安藤美雲 #断捨離 #東京都 #片づけ #近藤麻理恵
#ときめく #dwcx8ts #gw #https #mariekondo #nogizaka46 #uchrwwdsptjwqbv_opkdhk1q #vlog #キレイ #くらし・あんしん #ゴールデンウィーク #こんまり #こんまり夫婦プレゼンツ自分の強みを見つめる方法 #スッキリ #ステイホーム #トキメキ #乃木坂46 #健康 #安藤美雲 #断捨離 #東京都 #片づけ #近藤麻理恵
@patrick_h_lauke did you thank your payslips for everything before binning them? #MarieKondo
Given all the warm weather recently I have decided to devoted #presidentsday to #springCleaning ... #MarieKondo #KonMar #declutter #sparkJoy
#presidentsday #springcleaning #mariekondo #konmar #declutter #sparkjoy
#mariekondo has a new book and so is back in the new cycles, back on my mental periphery. So I wrote a #medium article that explores the ephemerality of joy and how it can lead to regret and a disposable lifestyle. Called "The Life-Changing Trauma of Tidying Up", you can take a look here: https://medium.com/@swilson4995/the-life-changing-trauma-of-tidying-up-e92786cebac #minimalism #lifestyle
#mariekondo #medium #minimalism #lifestyle
@Bossito está aqui 🙂 a mensagem é que é mais importante passar tempo com a família do que arrumar.
Word je na een invloedrijk boek over zinnige opruimtips uitgeroepen tot 'goeroe' en verleg je daarna je prioriteiten naar de opvoeding van je kinderen, gaan de zuurpanels ineens flink los op dat goeroeschap. #mariekondo
"La reine du rangement, la consultante japonaise Marie Kondo, a récemment avoué que… sa maison est en désordre. Depuis la naissance de ses enfants – et particulièrement de son troisième –, le rangement et l’organisation ne trônent plus."
Repenser l’obsession du rangement: https://lp.ca/k7dWw5?sharing=true
#mariekondo #rangement #maison #enfants #lapresse
Y’know how everybody took advantage of lockdown to #SpringClean and #MarieKondo and clear the decks and get organized? Yeah, some of us are juusssst getting there…
Respecto al tema del orden y a todo el negocio que hay montado alrededor del "método del orden y organización", siempre digo que tenemos que comprender que hay que adaptarlos a nuestras necesidades reales.
El problema es que hoy en día se vende que la perfección existe y es alcanzable, además de que todo tiene un molde que supuestamente encaja para todo el mundo.
Y esto no es cierto, ni es así.
#opinion #mariekondo #metodos #organizacion #orden
If 3000 books spark joy for you, keep them all! But she helped adults that never folded a t-shirt before to be organized, and she was always kind and non-judgemental, the polar opposite of those in the comments now pointing fingers and laughing... at what exacly? A working woman having more work to do than before?
#MarieKondo hat meine #Philosophie übernommen:
"Man sollte das Aufräumkonzept dem eigenen Leben anpassen."
Ich sach ja immer: "Wenn ich den Staub in Ruhe lasse, dann lässt der #Staub mich in #Ruhe."
#mariekondo #philosophie #staub #ruhe
I’ve never told anyone this but 2 years ago #mariekondo snuck into my house, burned my favorite possessions and all she left was a note saying “spark this bitch! I’ll never forgive her for prioritizing her kids over minimalism.