#MarieVibbert @reasie is coming to the #OhioanaBookFestival at 12:00pm on Saturday, April 22 to tell us all about Writing LGBTQ+ Genre Fiction! Full schedule: http://ohioana.org/programs/ohioana-book-festival/schedule/
#marievibbert #ohioanabookfestival
Thanks, #MarieVibbert, for the laughs and the kindness in last week's Cast of Wonders podcast story, #HauntingTheDocks!
#marievibbert #hauntingthedocks
This week's Story Hour is a study in transitions! #MarieVibbert
read a sweet and hopeful story about a robot bee, and #TimPratt welcomed the season with two pieces of slightly sinister holiday humor. You can still watch! No FB account required. #AuthorReadings #ShortStories #StoryHour #StoryHour2020 https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=447305514055527
#marievibbert #TimPratt #authorreadings #shortstories #StoryHour #StoryHour2020
Story Hour: Your Wednesday source of speculative fiction in digestible chunks! This week, we'll have Tim Pratt and Marie Vibbert reading their own short stories. 7:00 p.m. PST. Join us! #StoryHour2020 #StoryHour #AuthorReadings #ShortStories #TimPratt #MarieVibbert https://www.storyhour2020.com/
#StoryHour2020 #StoryHour #authorreadings #shortstories #TimPratt #marievibbert