Bonus article - Gov. Walz plans to sign the #MarijuanaLegalization bill next week! Article includes a link to the shiny new website for the #Minnesota #OfficeOfCannabisManagement
#marijuanalegalization #minnesota #officeofcannabismanagement
#marijuana is the opposite of a gateway #drug.
#marijuana #drug #marijuanalegalization #legalizeitalready #legalizeit
#Louisiana is currently ranked 50th for economic performance. Their #economy is literally dead-last among every state. So, when Louisiana #Republicans were given the opportunity to significantly boost their economy by decriminalizing #Marijuana (like most of the country has done), they voted NO without any explanation. It seems these Republican lawmakers are intent on making sure their state remains among the worst in the nation.
#marijuanalegalization #GOPfascists
#louisiana #economy #republicans #marijuana #marijuanalegalization #GOPfascists
Can we stop pretending that the #GOP is for lower taxes or listening to the people? #Wisconsin #MarijuanaLegalization
#gop #wisconsin #marijuanalegalization
Oklahoma rejects legalization of recreational marijuana
An opposition campaign chaired by former Republican Gov. Frank Keating relied heavily on law-enforcement officials to make the case that recreational legalization would open up the state up to even more criminal behavior and endanger kids.
#DrugLegalization #MarijuanaLegalization #Oklahoma
#druglegalization #marijuanalegalization #Oklahoma
Ars Technica: Doobie-us: Pot ads come to Twitter amid cannabis industry collapse #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #marijuanalegalization #onlineadvertising #cannabis #ElonMusk #Twitter #Policy
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #marijuanalegalization #OnlineAdvertising #cannabis #elonmusk #Twitter #policy
The Marijuana Legalization Bill in Minnesota requires Cannabis Businesses to have a “Labor Peace Agreement” with a “bona fide Labor organization” in order to get a license. Maintaining that agreement is a condition of maintaining and renewing the license. That means no strikes, no picketing, etc. or their license could be revoked.
#minnesota #marijuanalegalization #politics #labor #unions
The Marijuana Legalization Bill in Minnesota requires Cannabis Businesses to have a “Labor Peace Agreement” with a “bona fide Labor organization” in order to get a license. Maintaining that agreement is a condition of maintaining and renewing the license. That means no strikes, no picketing, etc. or their license could be revoked.
#minnesota #marijuanalegalization #politics #labor #unions
Global News BC: Summerland, B.C. cannabis shop up for sale two years after opening #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Marijuanalegalization #cannabislegalization #Cannabisretailers #cannabisretail #RetailCannabis #Legalcannabis #southokanagan #PHCannabisCo #summerland #Marijuana #Cannabis #Health #Weed #CBD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #marijuanalegalization #cannabislegalization #cannabisretailers #cannabisretail #retailcannabis #legalcannabis #southokanagan #phcannabisco #summerland #marijuana #cannabis #health #weed #cbd
#FollowFriday #bloodythursday #thursdaynightmassacre setting up on a new social as is most of us. #scienceisreal
#sobriety #sober #marijuana #marijuanalegalization he seems to be on something amphetamine or related. Cocaine probably.. He has money and therefore power, he needs rehab before he destroys the country. I know its not all the drugs, it is his mind as well but i don't think he can think clearly right now . #shivonzilis #grimes #justinemusk #justinewilson Children are the future!
#FollowFriday #bloodythursday #thursdaynightmassacre #scienceisreal #sobriety #sober #marijuana #marijuanalegalization #shivonzilis #grimes #justinemusk #justinewilson
@washingtonpost Sounds like this ‘doctor’ got his degree at #trumpuniversity
It’s just a friggin’ plant. . .
Ask a Doctor: Is marijuana as bad for me as alcohol?
#trumpuniversity #marijuanalegalization
Legalizing marijuana nationally would instantaneously save the stock market AND begin to uplift the economy through reducing crime, creating small business opportunities and reinvesting a (reasonable) taxation back into our communities.
#marijuanalegalization #cannabis #economy #stocks #economics
#marijuanalegalization #cannabis #economy #stocks #economics
#marijuanalegalization We here in Kentucky are actively, peacefully, and rationally fighting for medicinal marijuana in our state. The Governor of Kentucky Governor created a official panle/committe made up of citizens and government officials from all walks of life. According to that official panel's findings over 98% of Kentuckians want, need, and have statef they desire medicinal marijuana. Please help us and together we can all help the nation.
Deep thoughts.
#420lolz #420blazeit #cannabis #marijuana #marijuanalegalization #stoner
#420lolz #420blazeit #cannabis #marijuana #marijuanalegalization #stoner
Deep thoughts.
#420lolz #420blazeit #cannabis #marijuana #marijuanalegalization #stoner
#420lolz #420blazeit #cannabis #marijuana #marijuanalegalization #stoner