Exposé Online · @exposeonline
65 followers · 443 posts · Server mas.to

New today: "What has on offer here is a powerful slab of excellent , influenced perhaps by the classic British prog school, bands like , Trick-era , , classic , and a touch of , with a powerful keyboard presence throughout." expose.org/index.php/articles/

#progrock #exposeonline #yes #marillion #solstice #genesis #camel #neoprogressive #stealingthefire #review

Last updated 1 year ago

Bean 🇺🇲🇻🇪 · @TechBean
886 followers · 7565 posts · Server mstdn.social
Coach Mark · @CoachMark
595 followers · 221 posts · Server beige.party

I was flicking through the channels on the TV
On a Sunday in Milwaukee in the rain
Trying to piece together conversations
Trying to find out where to lay the blame
But when it comes right down to it there's no use trying to pretend
For when it gets right down to it
There's no one here that's left to blame
Blame it on me, you can blame it on me
We're just sugar mice in the rain

I heard Sinatra calling me down through the floorboards
Where you pay a quarter for a partnership in rhyme
To the jukebox crying in the corner
While the waitress is counting out the time

For when it gets right down to it there's no use trying to pretend
For when it gets right down to it there's no one really left to blame
Blame it on me, you can blame it on me
We're just sugar mice in the rain...


#marillion #sugarmice #lyrics

Last updated 1 year ago

Coach Mark · @CoachMark
567 followers · 190 posts · Server beige.party

Lyrics can be timeless:

Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here, where do we go from here

Where do we go from here, where do we go from here

They boarded up the synagogues, Uzis on a street corner

You can't take a photograph of Uzis on a street corner

The DJ resigned today they wouldn't let him have his say

Surface scratched where the needles play, Uzis on a street corner

Where do we go from here

Terror in Rue de St. Denis, murder on the periphery

Someone else in someone else's pocket

Christ knows I don't know how to stop it

Poppies at the cenotaph, the cynics can't afford to laugh

I heard in on the telegraph there's Uzis on a street corner

Where do we go from here, where do we go from here

The more I see, the more I hear, the more I find fewer answers

I close my mind, I shout it out but you know it's getting harder

To calm down, to reason out, to come to terms with what it's all about

I'm uptight, can't sleep at night, I can't pretend everything's all right

My ideals, my sanity, they seem to be deserting me

But to stand up and fight I know we have six million reasons

They're burning down the synagogues, Uzis on a street corner

The heralds of the holocaust, Uzis on a street corner

The silence never louder than now, how quickly we forgot our vows

This resurrection we can't allow, Uzis on a street corner

Where do we go from here, where do we go from here

We buy fresh bagels from the corner store

Where swastikas are spat from aerosols

I sit in the bar sipping iced White Russian

Trying to score but nobody's pushing

And everyone looks at everyone's faces

Searching for signs and praying for traces of a conscience in residence

Are we sitting on a barbed wire fence

Racing the clouds home, racing the clouds home

We place our faith in human rights

In the paper wars that tie the red tape tight

I know that I would rather be out of this conspiracy

In the gulags and internment camps frozen faces in nameless ranks

I know that they would rather be standing here besides me

Racing the clouds home, racing the clouds home

You can shut your eyes, you can hide it away it's gonna come back another day

Racing the clouds home, are we racing the clouds home

Racing the clouds home


#marillion #whiterussian #clutchingatstraws

Last updated 1 year ago

Coach Mark · @CoachMark
567 followers · 190 posts · Server beige.party

At that time of the night

When streetlights throw crosses through window frames

Paranoia roams where the shadows reign

Oh, at that time of the night

At that time of the night

Your senses tangled in some new perfume

Criticism triggers of a loaded room

Oh, at that time of the night

So if you ask me

How do I feel inside

I could honestly tell you

We've been taken on a very long ride

And if my owners let me have some free time some day

With all good intention I would probably run away

Clutching the short straw

At that time of the night

When questions rally in an open mind

Summon all your answers with an ice cubes chime

At that time of the night

At that time of the night

Pretend you're off the hook with the telephone

Your confidence wounded in a free fire zone

Oh, at that time of the night

So if you ask me

Where do I go from here

My next destination even isn't really that clear

So if you join me and get on your knees and pray

I'll show you salvation

We'll take the alternative way

Clutching the short straw

If I had enough money I'd buy a round for that boy over there

A companion in my madness in the mirror the one with the silvery hair

And if some kind soul could please pick up my tab

And while they're at it if they could pick up my broken heart.

Warm wet circles


#marillion #thattimeofthenight

Last updated 1 year ago

Coach Mark · @CoachMark
567 followers · 190 posts · Server beige.party

On promenades where drunks propose to lonely arcade mannequins
Where ceremonies pause at the jewelers shop display
Feigning casual silence in strained romantic interludes
Till they commit themselves to the muted journey home
And the pool player rests on another cue
Last nights hero picking up his dues
A honeymoon gambled on a ricochet
She's staring at the brochures at the holidays
Chalking up a name in your hometown
Standing all your mates to another round
Laughing at the world till the barman wipes away the warm wet circles
The warm wet circles

I saw teenage girls like gaudy moths
A classrooms shabby butterflies
Flirt in the glow of stranded telephone boxes;
Planning white lace weddings from smeared hearts and token proclamations,
Rolled from stolen lipsticks across the razored webs of glass
Sharing cigarettes with experience
With her giggling jealous confidantes,
She faithfully traces his name
With quick bitten fingernails
Through the tears of condensation
That'll cry through the night
As the glancing headlights of the last bus
Kiss adolescence goodbye

In a warm wet circle
Like a mothers kiss on your first broken heart,
A warm wet circle
Like a bullit hole in central park,
A warm wet circle
And I'll always surrender to the warm wet circles

She nervously undressed in the dancing beams of the fidra lighthouse
Giving it all away before it's too late
She'll let a lovers tongue move in a warm wet circle
Giving it all away and showing no shame
She'll take a mother's kiss on her first broken heart
A warm wet circle,
She'll realise that she played her part in a warm wet circle

Teenage war brides

It was a wedding ring,
Destined to be found in a cheap hotel
Lost in a kitchen sink or thrown in a wishing well


#marillion #warmwetcircles

Last updated 1 year ago

Coach Mark · @CoachMark
567 followers · 190 posts · Server beige.party

Hotel hobbies padding dawns hollow corridors

Bell boys checking out the hookers in the bar

Slug-like fingers trace the star-spangled clouds of cocaine on the mirror

The short straw took its bow

The tell tale tocking of the last cigarette

Marking time in the packet as the whisky sweat

Lies like discarded armour on an unmade bed

And a familiar craving is crawling in his head

And the only sign of life is the ticking of the pen

Introducing characters to memories like old friends

Frantic as a cardiograph scratching out the lines

A fever of confession a catalogue of crime in happy hour

Do you cry in happy hour, do you hide in happy hour

The pilgrimage to happy hour

New shadows tugging at the corner of his eye

Jostling for attention as the sunlight flares

Through a curtains tear, shuffling its beams

As if in nervous anticipation of another day


#hotelhobbies #marillion

Last updated 1 year ago

Coach Mark · @CoachMark
373 followers · 57 posts · Server beige.party

Do you remember this one?

"Do you remember
Chalk hearts melting on a playground wall?
Do you remember
Dawn escapes from moonwashed college halls?
Do you remember
The cherry blossom in the market square?
Do you remember?
I thought it was confetti in our hair

By the way didn't I break your heart?
Please excuse me, I never meant to break your heart
So sorry, I never meant to break your heart
But you broke mine

Kayleigh, is it too late to say I'm sorry?
And Kayleigh, could we get it together again?
I just can't go on pretending that it came to a natural end
Kayleigh, oh, I never thought I'd miss you
And Kayleigh, I thought that we'd always be friends
We said our love would last forever
So how did it come to this bitter end?

Do you remember
Barefoot on the lawn with shooting stars?
Do you remember
The loving on the floor in Belsize Park?
Do you remember
Dancing in stilettoes in the snow?
Do you remember?
You never understood I had to go

By the way didn't I break your heart?
Please excuse me, I never meant to break your heart
So sorry, I never meant to break your heart
But you broke mine

Kayleigh, I just want to say I'm sorry
But Kayleigh, I'm too scared to pick up the phone
To hear you've found another lover to patch up our broken home
Kayleigh, I'm still trying to write that love song
Kayleigh, it's more important to me, now you're gone
Maybe it will prove that we were right
Or it'll prove that I was wrong"


#kayleigh #marillion #misplacedchildhood

Last updated 1 year ago

Carlos Francisco 🏴‍☠️ · @carloshr
684 followers · 3816 posts · Server lile.cl

«Clutching at Stars Live in the USA 2008», el nuevo álbum en vivo del musico escocés Derek William Dick, más conocido como «Fish», ex vocalista de Marillion.

🎶🔗 songwhip.com/fish2/clutching-a

#fish #estrenosmusicales #livealbum #progrock #musica #marillion

Last updated 1 year ago

Joey Gibson :fez: · @joeygibson
180 followers · 622 posts · Server hachyderm.io

1980s Fish-era Marillion live music is the stuff of dreams. I regret never getting to see them play.

#music #progrock #marillion #fish

Last updated 1 year ago

Muszę to w końcu z siebie wyrzucić (znowu 😂 ). "Weltschmerz" Fisha to bardzo słaba płyta jest, koło "opus magnum" nawet nie leżała, i przykro, że Ryba tak kończy karierę (jeśli faktycznie skończy). Podobne odczucia mam zresztą wobec Marillion, oni skończyli się dla mnie na Kill 'Em All... znaczy na Marbles, kolejne płyty są stopniowo coraz mniej słuchalne, nie rozumiem zachwytów nad F.E.A.R. czy An Hour Before It's Dark. There, I said it.

#fish #marillion #weltschmerz #muzyka #progrock

Last updated 1 year ago

Jacco Grooters · @jaccogrooters
32 followers · 241 posts · Server mas.to
Verwechslungsgefährte · @dichotomiker
202 followers · 3391 posts · Server dresden.network
50+ Music · @50years
47 followers · 7045 posts · Server musicworld.social
Bas Langereis · @balangereis
99 followers · 1042 posts · Server mstdn.social
Bean 🇺🇲🇻🇪 · @TechBean
789 followers · 5702 posts · Server mstdn.social


Last updated 1 year ago

Bas Langereis · @balangereis
100 followers · 979 posts · Server mstdn.social

: :

Marillion - 'Seasons End' (1990) (Deluxe Edition) (3cd+bluray) (2023)

's 1st album with then new singer and it's a good one! 'The Space' is such a tremendous track. This Deluxe Edition has a new remix, concert recordings and lots of (visual) extras. A great box set.

#stevehogarth #marillion #NowPlaying #NP

Last updated 1 year ago

Bean 🇺🇲🇻🇪 · @TechBean
773 followers · 5176 posts · Server mstdn.social
Andy Todd · @andy47
38 followers · 203 posts · Server aus.social

I’ve been listening to this band for 40 years and tonight they blew the roof off the place - setlist.fm/setlist/marillion/2

#marillion #marillionweekend

Last updated 1 year ago