Did you see him? Comandante DiGregorio of Varazze, Italy, one of Alameda’s sister cities, visited recently and participated in the 4th of July Parade.
#apd #parade #alameda #JulyFourth #SisterCities #AfdChiefNickLuby #AlpicellaFamilyClub #MarilynEzzyAshcraft #ApdChiefNishantJoshi #ComandanteMauroDiGregorio #AlamedaSisterCityAssociation #InternationalPoliceAssociation #NationalLatinoPeaceOfficersAssociation
#apd #Parade #alameda #julyfourth #sistercities #afdchiefnickluby #alpicellafamilyclub #marilynezzyashcraft #apdchiefnishantjoshi #comandantemaurodigregorio #alamedasistercityassociation #internationalpoliceassociation #nationallatinopeaceofficersassociation
Photos by Maurice Ramirez from the State of the City 2023 event held Thursday, March 30, 2023 aboard the USS Hornet, hosted by the Alameda Chamber and Economic Alliance.
#Alameda #MiaBonta #USSHornet #JenniferOtt #MadlenSaddik #CityOfAlameda #StateOfTheCity #MarilynEzzyAshcraft #AlamedaChamberAndEconomicAlliance
#alameda #miabonta #usshornet #jenniferott #madlensaddik #cityofalameda #stateofthecity #marilynezzyashcraft #alamedachamberandeconomicalliance
Alameda Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft addresses recent California gun violence and hate crimes while looking to the future for solutions.
#APD #Alameda #GunViolence #SuicidePrevention #MarilynEzzyAshcraft
#apd #alameda #gunviolence #suicideprevention #marilynezzyashcraft
Ken Der joined the hundreds gathered for the grand opening of Bohol Circle Immigrant Park, named to honor Filipino-Americans and celebrate immigrants of all backgrounds. Alameda's newest park is “a declaration of presence, history, and memory.”
#ARPD #Alameda #BarbaraLee #Immigrants #BoholCircle #FilipinoAmericans #MarilynEzzyAshcraft #BoholCircleImmigrantPark
#arpd #alameda #barbaralee #immigrants #boholcircle #filipinoamericans #marilynezzyashcraft #boholcircleimmigrantpark