#marilynmonroe #moviestars #icons A gratuitous Marilyn animated gif, simply because she’s such an icon…
#icons #moviestars #marilynmonroe
#marilynmonroe #moviestars #icons A gratuitous Marilyn gif, simply because she’s such an icon…
#icons #moviestars #marilynmonroe
#marilynmonroe #filmstars #moviestars #icons A gratuitous Marilyn gif, simply because she’s such an icon…
#icons #moviestars #filmstars #marilynmonroe
It would be a shame if they tore down Marilyn Monroe's house located in the Brentwood neighborhood in Los Angeles.
I live in Brentwood in Norcal which was incorported 75 years ago in 1948. When I buy stuff on eBay, some sellers thinkgthat I live in SoCal and I have to tell them that there are 2 Brentwoods in CA. 😉
Quand Marilyn Monroe se retrouve projetée au coeur de la guerre de Corée. Le nouvel album réussi de la série BD Angel Wings #BD #MarilynMonroe @EditionsPaquet
Check out this photograph / digital artwork that would look great framed and hanging on your wall in your home or office or produced on a variety of products.
#BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #Marilyn #MarilynMonroe #WallArt #mural
#BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #marilyn #marilynmonroe #wallart #mural
Check out this photograph / digital artwork that would look great framed and hanging on your wall in your home or office or produced on a variety of products.
#BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #Marilyn #MarilynMonroe #WallArt #mural
#BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #marilyn #marilynmonroe #wallart #mural
Check out this photograph / digital artwork that would look great framed and hanging on your wall in your home or office or produced on a variety of products.
#BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #Marilyn #MarilynMonroe #WallArt #mural
#BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #marilyn #marilynmonroe #wallart #mural
Check out this photograph / digital artwork that would look great framed and hanging on your wall in your home or office or produced on a variety of products.
https://pixels.com! https://pixels.com/featured/valencia-wall-art-19-john-hughes.html
#BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #Marilyn #MarilynMonroe #WallArt #mural
#BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #marilyn #marilynmonroe #wallart #mural
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Cardinal Sin of Netflix’s ‘Depp v. Heard’ https://jezebel.com/depp-v-heard-netflix-review-1850701333 #Jezebel #deppvnewsgroupnewspapersltd #piratesofthecaribbean #marilynmonroe #metoomovement #andysignore #deppvheard #amberheard #emmacooper #johnnydepp #leeberlik #nickviall #netflix #twitter #depp #mera #cum
#jezebel #deppvnewsgroupnewspapersltd #piratesofthecaribbean #marilynmonroe #metoomovement #andysignore #deppvheard #amberheard #emmacooper #johnnydepp #leeberlik #nickviall #netflix #Twitter #depp #mera #cum
Today, August 6, 1962, the employees of Sterling Cooper react to the death of Marilyn Monroe (Mad Men, “Six Month Leave”, 2008)
#TV #Television #MadMen #MarilynMonroe #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory
#tv #television #MadMen #marilynmonroe #onthisday #todayinhistory
#5agosto #otd #filmastodon #cinemastodon
She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad. And that’s important—you know
attrice americana scomparsa nel 1962
#5agosto #otd #filmastodon #cinemastodon #marilynmonroe #accaddeoggi
Today marks the 61st anniversary of Marilyn Monroe's death and I thought I'd share some #ai art i created last night for the occassion #marilynmonroe #AIart #nightcafe #mastodon #artificialintelligence #mastoart #fediart #art #artist #generativeart #generativeAI #stablediffusion #stablediffusionart
#ai #marilynmonroe #aiart #nightcafe #mastodon #artificialintelligence #mastoart #fediart #art #artist #generativeart #generativeAI #stablediffusion #stablediffusionart
I just watched Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Howard Hawks, 1953) and rated it 7/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentlemen_Prefer_Blondes_%281953_film%29 #films #cinema #cinemastodon #GentlemenPreferBlondes #MarilynMonroe #JaneRussell #HowardHawks #Musical
#musical #howardhawks #janerussell #marilynmonroe #gentlemenpreferblondes #cinemastodon #cinema #films
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Barbie Pink Rebellion Is Underway https://jezebel.com/barbie-pink-color-meaning-1850673940 #Jezebel #gentlemenpreferblondes #entertainmentculture #josieandthepussycats #gabriellealexanoel #madisonchamberlain #kittyblackperkins #chrissavillanueva #elsaschiaparelli #yvessaintlaurent #chrissasparkles #annanicolesmith #mamieeisenhower #veroniquehyland #sarahgreenwood #lisavanderpump #parisisburning #jackiekennedy #dariandarling #marilynmonroe #josie
#jackiekennedy #dariandarling #marilynmonroe #josie #jezebel #gentlemenpreferblondes #entertainmentculture #JosieAndThePussycats #gabriellealexanoel #madisonchamberlain #kittyblackperkins #chrissavillanueva #elsaschiaparelli #YvesSaintLaurent #chrissasparkles #annanicolesmith #mamieeisenhower #veroniquehyland #sarahgreenwood #lisavanderpump #parisisburning
In the 1990s, Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis founded the firm StarGene which bought the rights to hair samples of Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and other celebrities. It planned to grow clones but only got as far as producing wet clumps of hairy soil.
#StarGene #dna #genetics #ElvisPresley #MarilynMonroe #celebrities #qi #notqi
#stargene #dna #genetics #elvispresley #marilynmonroe #celebrities #qi #notqi
During World War II, for instance, the #VargaGirl pinup was a major military morale booster. Halsman didn't just do glamour, of course, but his iconic images of #MarilynMonroe #AudreyHepburn & #BrigitteBardot are acclaimed to this day. De Dienes is likewise tied to Monroe forever because he discovered her. And so on.
5️⃣ So, why is Byrne doing this? Well, in the script he takes some shots at hot '90s artists like #RobLiefeld & #JimLee - and the way they draw women. Then passing it off as a story.
#vargagirl #marilynmonroe #audreyhepburn #brigittebardot #robliefeld #jimlee
トライ&エラーが続くであろう動画編集-69 https://tkt058.seesaa.net/article/500055856.html @tkt058より
#動画 #動画編集 #動画シェア #動画編集 #動画編集者と繋がりたい #動画編集CAMP #マッチポイント #MatchPoint #Movie #Movies #8K #8kVideo #スカーレットヨハンソン #ScarlettJohanson #ScarlettJohansson #MarilynMonroe #マリリンモンロー #MasterPiece #TopazVideoAI #Topaz #TopazAI #ArtificialInteligence #ArtificalIntelligence #AI
#ai #artificalintelligence #artificialinteligence #TopazAI #topaz #TopazVideoAI #masterpiece #マリリンモンロー #marilynmonroe #scarlettjohansson #scarlettjohanson #スカーレットヨハンソン #8kvideo #8k #movies #movie #matchpoint #マッチポイント #動画編集CAMP #動画編集者と繋がりたい #動画シェア #動画編集 #動画