New #review today: "With Tears of a Cloud, #TaikoSaito presents a set of nine pieces where she’s on her own using just #vibraphone and #marimba." #ExposeOnline #ExperimentalMusic
#experimentalmusic #exposeonline #marimba #vibraphone #taikosaito #review 【ルパン三世/ルパン三世のテーマ’80 (Lupin The Third)】 Anime Vibraphone (ビブラフォン)大井貴司 Swing Modern Jazz ジャズ アニメ #HardBop #HayaoMiyazaki #JazzVib #JazzVibe #JazzVibes #JazzVibraphone #marimba #Vibraharp #YujiOhno #おおいたかし #カリオストロの城 #ジゲン大輔 #ジャズ #ジャズヴァイブ #ジャズビブラフォン #スウィングジャズ #ハードバップ #マリンバ #モダンジャズ #モンキーパンチ #ルパン三世カリオストロの城 #不二子ちゃん #大井孝志 #大野雄二 #宮崎駿 #峰不二子 #木琴 #石川五右衛門 #鉄琴 #銭形警部
#hardbop #hayaomiyazaki #jazzvib #jazzvibe #jazzvibes #jazzvibraphone #marimba #vibraharp #yujiohno #おおいたかし #カリオストロの城 #ジゲン大輔 #ジャズ #ジャズヴァイブ #ジャズビブラフォン #スウィングジャズ #ハードバップ #マリンバ #モダンジャズ #モンキーパンチ #ルパン三世カリオストロの城 #不二子ちゃん #大井孝志 #大野雄二 #宮崎駿 #峰不二子 #木琴 #石川五右衛門 #鉄琴 #銭形警部
Right now, I'm on a beautiful worktrip with @viaartis Via Artis Konsort in Spain, and during this trip the ensemble has put out an interesting recording. The recording has tones from the north (Denmark) as well as some southern spirit (Spain). Personally, my favourite is the wonderfull, deep mezzo in the middle of the video 😍
Check it out:
#romanticguitar #viaartiskonsort #nordicensemble #danishensemble #clarinet #cembalo #marimba #mezzosoprano #soprano #gambe #classicalmusic #recording
#romanticguitar #viaartiskonsort #nordicensemble #danishensemble #clarinet #cembalo #marimba #mezzosoprano #soprano #gambe #classicalmusic #recording
variaties op de stem van de Orca – dat zijn de Superpod Variation – P3 – een nieuwe serie composities – van ferrie gebaseerd op dat kenmerkende geluid Superpod Variation – P3 bij het vertellen van een verhaal begin ik […]
#Deel3 #KleineZaal #Marimba #Orca #SonicVisualiser #stemgeluid #Studio #SuperpodVariations #Tuba #VintageClav #WarmAcidBassSynth #YouCompose
#deel3 #kleinezaal #marimba #orca #sonicvisualiser #stemgeluid #studio #superpodvariations #tuba #vintageclav #warmacidbasssynth #youcompose
het tweede deel Slowly Walking van het Langzaam Drieluik – behoort tot de bijna vergeten songs uit 2007 – gerestaureerd in 2017 Slowly Walking deze song bevindt zich in de sectie Fantasy – omdat een ander genre bijna niet te […]
#DnBDrumSynth #drums #ElektrischeBas #ElektrischeGitaar #Fantasy #Garageband #LogicX #Machine #Marimba #merel #Orgel #Orgel2 #percussie #SlowlyWalking #SperanzaKnort #Voetstappen
#dnbdrumsynth #drums #elektrischebas #elektrischegitaar #fantasy #garageband #logicx #machine #marimba #merel #orgel #orgel2 #percussie #slowlywalking #speranzaknort #voetstappen
de tweede variant met de toepasselijke naam Blunt Tower Variation 02 – is een andere combinatie van de zelfde elementen als Blunt Tower van 26 april – een compositie van ferrie = differentieel : Blunt Tower Variation 02 een improvisatie […]
#BluntTower #BluntTowerVariation #ContraBassen #Hoorn #LogicX #Marimba #RedemptionSynth #StompeToren #Trombone #Trompet #Tuba #ViennaConcertHall #Violen #WagnerBassDrum #Xylophone
#blunttower #blunttowervariation #contrabassen #hoorn #logicx #marimba #redemptionsynth #stompetoren #trombone #trompet #tuba #viennaconcerthall #violen #wagnerbassdrum #xylophone
Whenever it will be a late Sunday afternoon where you are, why don’t you relax and listen to some very calming, yet still very captivating music? A vibraphone, a marimba, a double bass, and a drum set with some percussion, that’s Double Image.
In 1979 they released their fabulous album “Dawn”:
#Music #Jazz #Instrumental #Vibraphone #Marimba #DoubleBass #Drums #DrumSet #Percussion #DoubleImage #ECM #ECMRecords
#music #jazz #instrumental #vibraphone #marimba #doublebass #drums #drumset #percussion #doubleimage #ECM #ecmrecords
I saw her performance last night.
That’s her performance a little over 5M away!
Each strong dot of sound is feeling physically, and it becomes a line and envelops the space, which is a wonderful experience.
You should be feel if you chance to see her solo performance somewhere in the world.
I highly recommend!
#KunikoKato #percussion #percussionist #Marimba #vibraphone
#kunikokato #percussion #percussionist #marimba #vibraphone
Hoy celebramos el #DíaDeLaMarimba, declarado instrumento nacional 🇬🇹 en 1978.
La #marimba es un símbolo de identidad cultural guatemalteca, que con sus hermosas melodías 🎶 trasciende fronteras 🌎
#DíaDeLaMarimba #marimba #UEGuatemala
This is wonderful, even if the acoustics aren't ideal: Hilton College band performing 'Drive' by Black Coffee and David Guetta, in 2019
Beneath the Waves
This was a bit of an experimental piece using an ensemble of piano, harp, vibraphone, and marimba. Another piece that I wrote during a 7 day VGM composition challenge. This was what I wrote on the first day of the water/ocean themed one.
🎵Full song:
#composer #fantasymusic #VGM #gamedev #animation #animationmusic #classicalmusic #piano #fantasy #musician #videogamemusic #music #newmusic #marimba #vibes #vibraphone #piano #harp #score #musicalscore #musicnotation #notation #sheetmusic #pianomusic #pianosheetmusic
#composer #fantasymusic #vgm #gamedev #animation #animationmusic #classicalmusic #piano #Fantasy #musician #videogamemusic #music #newmusic #marimba #vibes #vibraphone #harp #score #musicalscore #musicnotation #notation #sheetmusic #pianomusic #pianosheetmusic
on now:
Marco Pacassoni Group - Frank & Ruth:
A Vibes and Marimba Tribute to the Music of Frank Zappa
2018 Esordisco esolp1801
gatefold 12" #259/500
#MarcoPacassoni #Vibraphone #Marimba #PetraMagoni
#zappa #FrankZappa #RuthUnderwood #RlessedRelief
#TheBlackPage #PeachesEnRegalia #StolenMoments
#wolfsmixedbag #marcopacassoni #vibraphone #marimba #petramagoni #zappa #frankzappa #ruthunderwood #rlessedrelief #theblackpage #peachesenregalia #stolenmoments #vinyl #jazz #catsandvinyl #caturday
Goede Hoop Marimba Band plays Vivaldi:
Concert review, ★★★★½, Fabian Ziegler, Akvilė Šileikaitė @ ZKO-Haus, Zurich, 2022-11-04 — Presentation of new album "Modern Gods", featuring Works for percussion and piano by John Psathas (*1966): Atalanta; Halo; RealBadNow; View from Olympus.
Blog post #634
#rolfsmblog #concertreview #concert #psathas #fabianziegler #sileikaite #akvile #akvilesileikaite #marimba #piano #percussion #cdrelease #halo #viewfromolympus #atalanta #realbadnow #cdrelease #mediareview
#rolfsmblog #concertreview #concert #psathas #fabianziegler #sileikaite #akvile #akvilesileikaite #marimba #piano #percussion #cdrelease #halo #viewfromolympus #ATALANTA #realbadnow #mediareview
Season's Greetings
#christmasmusic #britten #marimba #saxophone
MARIMBA PATTERNS, SOOTHING CLARINET. Nice mood piece from Yasuaki Shimizu. It's been wonderful to discover the hidden treasures of Japanese music in the past 15 years. Thanks, Internet!
#YasuakiShimizu – 海の上から. From "Kakashi" (1982, Better Days YF-7061-BD, Japan)
#Clarinet #Marimba #Fusion #Ambient #Downtempo #TMOApproved #MusicRecs
#YasuakiShimizu #clarinet #marimba #fusion #ambient #downtempo #tmoapproved #musicrecs
Hey #drummer #recording and #musicproduction folks - what’s a good but inexpensive #marimba and/or #vibraphone sample pack?
Not looking for free, but the budget is probably <$100 so looking for recommendations if you have any! 🙏💜😈
#vibraphone #marimba #musicproduction #recording #drummer
#nowlistening #jazz #music #marimba
David #Friedman
Other Worlds
#nowlistening #jazz #marimba #friedman #davidfriedman #music