Moin! Of course we all love to see #MeerMittwoch and lovely pictures of the #seaside and #beach. But our #oceans (and our planet) is/are in trouble.
So if you are here or elsewhere at the beach for your holidays or just for a walk, you might want to join the forces.
There's always litter to pick. Thank you.
#SchleswigHolstein #MarineDebris #nature #GhostFishing
BTW, I am proudly wearing my #bracenet wrist bands
#meermittwoch #seaside #beach #oceans #schleswigholstein #marinedebris #nature #ghostfishing #bracenet
Global News BC: Feds issue just 2 fines in 4 years for abandoned boats. Critics say it’s not enough #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #AbandonedorHazardousVesselsAct #FisheriesandOceansCanada #OceansProtectionPlan. #AbandonedVessels #marinepollution #AbandonedBoats #marinecleanup #MarineGarbage #MarineDebris #Environment #Pollution #Politics #Liberal #Wrecked #DFO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #abandonedorhazardousvesselsact #FisheriesandOceansCanada #oceansprotectionplan #abandonedvessels #marinepollution #abandonedboats #marinecleanup #marinegarbage #marinedebris #environment #pollution #politics #liberal #wrecked #DFO
The past few days have been so action-packed I haven’t had time for updates. For now, I’ll just leave this “little” hint here #GhostNets #ALDFG #EsperanceTjaltjraak #IndigenousRangers #BeachCleanup #MarineDebris #ArtFromTrash @AdriftLab
#GhostNets #ALDFG #esperancetjaltjraak #indigenousrangers #beachcleanup #marinedebris #artfromtrash
Moin! So viele Menschen mögen das Meer und verbringen ihren Urlaub an unseren Küsten.
Das bringt leider aber auch wieder viel achtlos weggeworfenen Müll (neben vielen anderen Problemen).
Am besten ist Müllvermeidung, aber es hilft auch schon, wenn man einfach mal den Müll aufsammelt und entsorgt, wenn man am Strand unterwegs ist. Macht Ihr mit ?
#WorldOceanDay #LitterPicking #MarineDebris
#SchleswigHolstein #NABU
#worldoceanday #litterpicking #marinedebris #schleswigholstein #nabu
Moin! #SunnySaturday at western #BalticSea near #Kiel.
Birdwise nothing exciting, waiting for sandmartins to return.
Goosander caught a big flunder.
Little black dog managed to NOT get wet paws
#dogs #LitterPicking #MarineDebris
#sunnysaturday #balticsea #kiel #dogs #litterpicking #marinedebris
@npr_bot #marinedebris #plasticpollution #conservation
Interesting science finding..NPR should change the heading to “Deadly ocean plastic floating blob also contains many unexpected coastal marine creatures”
Marine wildlife such as seabirds, whales, fish and turtles mistake plastic waste for prey; most then die of starvation as their stomachs become filled with plastic.
#conservation #plasticpollution #marinedebris
#paywalled Impacts of marine debris on coral reef ecosystem: A review for conservation and ecological monitoring of the coral reef ecosystem #conservation #marinedebris #PlasticPollution
#paywalled #conservation #marinedebris #plasticpollution
Moin! The storm brought in a lot of #litter at western #BalticSea... just a few of today's #LitterPicking. Had several beer cans, other plastics and razor blades #MarineDebris
And some interesting algae too. #NABU #Kiel
#litter #balticsea #litterpicking #marinedebris #nabu #kiel
Surprisingly clean Roker beach #Sunderland - suspect gales the day before had blown a lot of surface debris off the beach, and sadly it’ll all appear again soon.
Our #SeaShepherdUK
volunteers still took 13 bags of #marinedebris off.
#beachclean #marineconservation #plastic #plasticpollution #ocean #beach #SeaShepherd
#sunderland #seashepherduk #marinedebris #beachclean #marineconservation #plastic #plasticpollution #ocean #beach #seashepherd
marine debris clean up in Tasmania:
#marinedebris #marinedebriscleanup
Our next #SeaShepherdUK
#beachclean is at Roker, #Sunderland this coming Saturday. 10-12, meet at the pier gates, all gear provided but please bring your own gloves. Any questions, give me a shout, we'd love to see any of you who are local there.
#marineconservation #pollution #marinedebris #plasticpollution #conservation #beach #saveourseas
#seashepherduk #beachclean #sunderland #marineconservation #pollution #marinedebris #plasticpollution #conservation #beach #saveourseas
Marine debris, ingested by a 56-foot-long sperm whale, is believed to be at least a contributing cause to its death. #Hawaii #MarineDebris #Whales😞
Another trip to Newbiggin with Sea Shepherd UK, another big haul of marine debris: about twenty bags, tyres, and a whole load of industrial piping and ghostnet and just…stuff.
#beachclean #seashepherd #marinedebris #beachcleanup #plasticpollution #oceanconservation #marineconservation #northumberland
#beachclean #seashepherd #marinedebris #beachcleanup #plasticpollution #oceanconservation #marineconservation #northumberland
#Marinedebris and associated organic pollutants in surface waters of Chiloé in the Northern... - #ScholarAlerts
Back at Newbiggin again yesterday with @seashepherd_uk, some lovely members of the public, endless industrial junk, and oh good, my favourite, yet more big tyres. #beachclean #seashepherd #marinedebris #beachcleanup #plasticpollution #oceanconservation #marineconservation #northumberland
#beachclean #seashepherd #marinedebris #beachcleanup #plasticpollution #oceanconservation #marineconservation #northumberland
Happy New Year, All! We appreciate your support and looking forward to getting to know you on @mastodon in 2023
Bliain bua faoi mhaise daoibh ar fad!
#Mastodon #Ireland #marinelitter #plasticpollution #ocean #sea #marinedebris #beachcleanup #minutebeachclean #oceanplastic #beach #marineconservation #nature #plastic #plasticfree #environment #NoPlanetB
#mastodon #ireland #MarineLitter #plasticpollution #ocean #sea #marinedebris #beachcleanup #minutebeachclean #oceanplastic #beach #marineconservation #nature #plastic #plasticfree #environment #noplanetb
We'd love you to help us and support us with our #GoFundme. Thank you!
#marinelitter #plasticpollution #ocean #sea #marinedebris #beachcleanup #minutebeachclean #oceanplastic #beach #marineconservation #thinkb #nature #plastic #plasticfree #environment #beachcombing #oceanlife #waste #noplanetb #pollution #beachclean #litterpick #marinepollution #oceanconservation #oceanlitter #stopplastic #dontlitter #zerowaste #climatechange #plasticfreeoceans
#gofundme #MarineLitter #plasticpollution #ocean #sea #marinedebris #beachcleanup #minutebeachclean #oceanplastic #beach #marineconservation #thinkb #nature #plastic #plasticfree #environment #beachcombing #oceanlife #waste #noplanetb #pollution #beachclean #litterpick #marinepollution #OceanConservation #oceanlitter #stopplastic #dontlitter #zerowaste #climatechange #plasticfreeoceans
Impromptu #beachclean at Roker with T: dozens of bottle tops, rope and fabric binned, bottles/cans, shoes, nitrous canisters - and beach whistles beat shotgun cartridges 23 to 12. #2minutebeachclean #marinedebris #everypiececounts #SeaShepherdUK
#beachclean #2minutebeachclean #marinedebris #everypiececounts #seashepherduk
We are pleased to announce with the recipients of the 2022 Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund to support #MarineDebris removal in states impacted by the 2020 and 2021 hurricane seasons. Learn more:
This was the piece I made as part of an environmental collaboration to help raise awareness around the state of plastic debris in our oceans.
#mermaidart #watercolour #watercolor #marinedebris