Santiago Gassó · @SanGasso
389 followers · 317 posts · Server

In watching how these 2 evolve and eventually end somewhere in the Atlantic ocean, it is clear that both systems will cross paths a different times over the same sector a couple of days apart.

Lukily it is over the ocean and not over land. However, from the view point of the :

What is the impact of two major sources of fresh water and severe mixing along the water column ? how would the system react and how would it take to go back to normal?

#hurricanes #marineecosystem #franklin #idalia

Last updated 1 year ago

Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
5 followers · 10619 posts · Server
NathalieSteins · @NathalieSteins
26 followers · 41 posts · Server

How to ensure the integrity of information submitted to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) by data providers?
This week I co-chaired WKEnsure, a workshop tasked to develop guidance to address potential conflicts of interest in data & information provision that may affect the integrity of ICES & advice for and .

#ices #marinescience #fisheries #marineecosystem #management #fisheriesscience #ocean #collaborativeresearch #transdisciplinarity

Last updated 2 years ago

Heidi Burdett · @HLBurdett
31 followers · 4 posts · Server
Jessica Luo · @jessicaluo
9 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hello 👋 A quick introduction:

I'm a originally using large, 400 kg imaging instruments to study distributions. Developed and methods for plankton classifications. I then made a hard switch to modeling, developing and for IPCC-class .

Interested in and just making academia a better place!

#biological #oceanographer #zooplankton #citizenscience #deeplearning #marineecosystem #oceanbiogeochemicalmodels #earthsystemmodels #climate #oceans #plankton #dei #scicomm

Last updated 2 years ago