Good enough to eat - Dendronephthya australis #marineexplorer
After our recent surveys at Bare Island we checked out the nearby soft #coral population and found many big, healthy colonies like this one. Cauliflower anyone?
Striate anglerfish favourite attire #marineexplorer
Antennarius striatus can be brown and shaggy, black, white, orange or yellow. Brown and shaggy seems to be their favourite though...
I felt like I was riding in a warm bath this morning - note, this is NOT a good thing! #Sydney #summer #humidity #marineexplorer
#sydney #summer #humidity #marineexplorer
The Hawkesbury river, just north of Sydney, is a magnificent sandstone-lined estuary. It has many cliffs, flats and interesting nooks along its 120 km length... this is just one of them. Our family had it to ourselves for the morning. #marineexplorer
Reef Life Survey - Structure from Motion model of transect #marineexplorer
After our survey of Bare Island east yesterday I spent 15 mins running over the transect with the 3D capture camera. The resulting orthomosaic of almost 1000 photos is in the lower part of this image (black background), together with a couple of examples of views from the 3D model (white backgrounds) #science #3D
Tasmanian short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus setosus) #marineexplorer
We watched this well-fed #echidna demolish an old rotten stump for several minutes in search of ants. This subspecies, T. a. setosus, is found on Tasmania and some islands in Bass Strait, and looks larger (or perhaps more fluffy!) and lighter in colour than the ones in NSW. Photo: Bruny Island
A few more shots from our weekend #bushwalk on Kunanyi (Mt Wellington) including the #Tasmania waratah, dragon heath and colourful lichens #marineexplorer
#bushwalk #tasmania #marineexplorer
Over the last decade I've built up an online #photo #library for the use of #scientists and others. All of 12000+ photos are identified, located and downloadable at full resolution with #creativecommons non-commercial with attribution licenses. You can find them by searching in Flickr with the #marineexplorer tag, or by album:
#photo #library #scientists #creativecommons #marineexplorer
View from the second wheelie towards the southernmost slab. #3D #orthomosaic #marineexplorer. Note how moving objects (kelp) are fragmented as their position changes from one image to the next. The orange on top of the bin is a blue-lined goatfish :)
#3d #orthomosaic #marineexplorer
The Gap, Sydney #marineexplorer #coastline #structurefrommotion
Interactive #3D model is here:
#marineexplorer #coastline #structurefrommotion #3d
Cliff complexity #marineexplorer
As sea levels rose since the last ice age, they flooded the valleys in the Sydney region. Wind and wave erosion then formed cliffs and rock platforms. This headland would once have been a ridge top 20 km inland and 150 m above sea level.
White's seahorse Hippocampus whitei #marineexplorer
This young male was comfortably curled on the nets at Clifton Gardens. Those orange dashes look like elastomer markers - so perhaps this is one of the seahorses released on the #seahorse hotels? #science #ecology
#marineexplorer #seahorse #science #ecology
Wildflowers #marineexplorer
A few more #wildflowers from yesterday's #MTB ride, including a nice bonnet #orchid. Lane Cove NP, Epping
#marineexplorer #wildflowers #mtb #orchid
A few #wildflowers from today's #MTB ride in #Sydney #nature #flora #Australia #marineexplorer
#wildflowers #mtb #sydney #nature #flora #australia #marineexplorer
Flat rock in 15 m of water , off Bare Island in Botany Bay. #3D model built from hundreds of photos. Green patches are where objects are caught unlit by the lights. #marinescience #science #photography #photogrammetry #marineexplorer
#3d #marinescience #science #photography #photogrammetry #marineexplorer
Camp Cove middle reef #1 #3D model #marineexplorer
This is the first of eight sections of this 100 m long reef at Camp Cove in #SydneyHarbour. It's based on 1000+ photos and forms one chunk of the model. The other 7 chunks are a work in progress!
#3d #marineexplorer #sydneyharbour