New research predicts effects of marine heat waves on top ocean predators 🐋 #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #MarineLife #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange
{📷©Elliott Hazen/SW Fisheries Science Center}
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #marinelife #marinemammals #cetaceans
Whales stop singing and rock lobsters lose their balance: How seismic surveys can harm marine life 🐋 #Whales #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #MarineLife
#marinelife #marinemammals #cetaceans #whales
A fluke encounter: first record of the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) within the central North Sea, United Kingdom
Blue whale seen off the coast of Newcastle upon Tyne in 2022!
#marinemammals #bluewhale #newcastle
Iceland to allow whaling again in move branded ‘shameful’ by campaigners 🐋 #Whales #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #Whaling #AnimalWelfare #AnimalCruelty #Iceland
#Iceland #animalcruelty #animalwelfare #whaling #marinemammals #cetaceans #whales
[West et al.] Detection of cetacean morbillivirus in dolphin faeces and the potential application for live cetacean health monitoring 🐬 #Dolphins #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #MarineScience #MarineLife
#marinelife #marinescience #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolphins
If don’t always look out my office window at the right time to catch them, but today I did. There are belugas feeding right near the water’s edge between the small boat harbor and Elderberry park. #anchorage #knikarm #marinemammals
#anchorage #knikarm #marinemammals
[Rege-Colt et al.] Whistle repertoire and structure reflect ecotype distinction of pantropical spotted dolphins in the Eastern Tropical Pacific - Scientific Reports 🐬 #Dolphins #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #MarineScience #MarineLife
#marinelife #marinescience #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolphins
Bunch of adult harbour #seals & pups, enjoying some #pinnipeds pals & family time in #SookeBasin ❤
Pinnipeds. OG sea plankers.
#wildlife #HarborSeals #MarineMammals #SeaMammals #Westcoast #VanIsle #VancouverIsland #Sooke #ChillingOut #PNW #PacificNorthwest #SalishSea #Cascadia #BritishColumbia #Canada #MarineLife #OceanAnimals #SeaAnimals #Planking #ProtectTheWild #WildFirst #RespectWildlife #GiveWildlifeSafeDistance #DontScareWildlife
#silentsunday #seals #pinnipeds #sookebasin #wildlife #harborseals #marinemammals #seamammals #westcoast #vanisle #vancouverisland #sooke #chillingout #pnw #pacificnorthwest #SalishSea #cascadia #britishcolumbia #canada #marinelife #oceananimals #seaanimals #planking #protectthewild #wildfirst #respectwildlife #givewildlifesafedistance #dontscarewildlife
The enduring mystery of mass whale strandings 🐋 #Whales #Dolphins #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #MarineScience
{📷©Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA)}
#marinescience #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolphins #whales
Lolita The Orca Is Dead Lolita’s presumed mother is Ocean Sun (L25). In her 80s, she still swims free 🐬 #Whales #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #Orcas #Dolphins #AnimalWelfare #AnimalAbuse #EmptyTheTanks
#emptythetanks #animalabuse #animalwelfare #dolphins #orcas #marinemammals #cetaceans #whales
23-million-year-old otter-like seal may have used whiskers to forage 🦭 #MarineScience #Seals #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds #MarineLife #FossilFriday
{📷©Gabriel Ugueto}
#fossilfriday #marinelife #pinnipeds #marinemammals #seals #marinescience
A rarely seen whale has died in the Florida Keys, and biologists are investigating The 14-foot long animal, an adult male Gervais' beaked whale, died. 🐋 #Whales #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #MarineScience
#marinescience #marinemammals #cetaceans #whales
Fossil of 41m-year-old miniature whale discovered in Egypt Previously unknown Tutcetus rayanensis is just 2.5 metres long and oldest of ocean-living whales recorded in Africa 🦕 #FossilFriday #MarineLife #MarineScience #Whales #MarineMammals #Ceatceans
{📷© Ahmed Morsi/Mansoura University vertebrate palaeontology centre}
#ceatceans #marinemammals #whales #marinescience #marinelife #fossilfriday
[Pilkington et al.] Patterns of winter occurrence of three sympatric killer whale populations off eastern Vancouver Island, Canada, based on passive acoustic monitoring 🐬 #Whales #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #MarineScience #Orcas #Dolphins
#dolphins #orcas #marinescience #marinemammals #cetaceans #whales
Seals practise social distancing, aerial survey of North Sea shows Research suggests behaviour may reflect evolutionary response to previous outbreaks of disease 🦭 #MarineScience #Seals #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds
{📷©Jeroen Hoekendijk/Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research/Wageningen Marine Research}
#pinnipeds #marinemammals #seals #marinescience
Adapting to water temperature changes: The smart 'coat' of the Yangtze finless porpoise 🐬 #Porpoises #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #MarineScience
#marinescience #marinemammals #cetaceans #porpoises
[C. Gehrke] Wild polar bear conservation: A case of successful arctic science diplomacy? 🐻❄️ #MarineMammals #MarineScience #PolarBears
#Polarbears #marinescience #marinemammals
[Kanes et al.] Seasonal and diel patterns in Pacific white‐sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) pulsed calls near Barkley Canyon 🐬 #Dolphins #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #MarineScience
#marinescience #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolphins
Huge blue whale washes ashore in southern Chile 🐋 #Whales #Cetaceans #MarineMammals
#marinemammals #cetaceans #whales
Maddalena Bearzi, marine biologist, behavioral ecologist, and wonderful writer about animals, has an op-ed out in the LA Times about Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut, the name given to her by the Lummi nation, otherwise known as Lolita the imprisoned orca:
She was taken from a pod in the PNW 50 years ago and lives alone in a tank.
Bearzi studies dolphins in the wild and has directly observed this animal in captivity, and shares her knowledge and understanding with us so we may better empathize with and find understanding of non-human animals.
She's also the author of Stranded, which helps folks do the same for less charismatic, backyard beasties!
#marinemammals #orca #lolita #bearzi #ecology #losangeles #stranded #animalrights #blackfish #ocean #nonhuman #heydaybooks
#marinemammals #orca #lolita #bearzi #ecology #losangeles #stranded #animalrights #blackfish #ocean #nonhuman #heydaybooks