Interactions between breeding gulls and monofilament lines at one of the main recreational fishing sites in Argentina #marineplastic #plasticpollution
#marineplastic #plasticpollution
Review paper from Bonnie Hamilton and many others incl myself #pollution #marineplastic #Arctic
#pollution #marineplastic #arctic
Shocking animation of #MarinePollution & #OceanCurrents carrying #PlasticWaste to the once-pristine #Seychelles. Birdsite 🧵 from #OxfordUniversity highlighting #NewPaper by #LeadAuthor @noam_vv
Don't miss the animation: 4 years in 1 minute... & now we're 4 more years on. Direct 📹 link:
#MarinePlastic #IndianOcean #PlasticPollution #Maldives #Mauritius #Ocean #Oceanography #EarthSciences
🙏 #nitter @Kay_Critchell
#MarinePollution #oceancurrents #plasticwaste #seychelles #oxforduniversity #newpaper #leadauthor #marineplastic #indianocean #plasticpollution #maldives #mauritius #ocean #oceanography #earthsciences #nitter
#dkpol #forskerzonen
Et hav af #plast: Hvad fire års forskning i plast og #mikroplast har lært os - vi har undersøgt #plastforurening og mikroplast i danske farvande. Her er, hvad vi fandt ud af: Resultaterne fra #MarinePlastic-projektet. Artiklerne handler om alt fra #orme og #lopper, over mængden og typerne af plastik i havene, til de store politiske beslutninger om #plastikforurening i #FN.
#dkpol #forskerzonen #plast #mikroplast #plastforurening #marineplastic #orme #lopper #plastikforurening #FN