Still busy figuring out if our MF/HF radio (what most people call an SSB) is working. Going to have a professional look at it because I think the antenna and/or antenna tuner aren’t connected correctly. Once that’s sorted out I’m very keen to start listening in on cruiser’s nets and if possible contributing. I also have an amateur radio license (commonly referred to as HAM) so will ve on there too. #cruisingLife #cruisersNet #marineRadio #amateurradio
#amateurradio #marineradio #cruisersnet #cruisinglife
13550.5 kHz (+400/-400 Hz white/black) #ZKLF #MetService #Wellington. This is the best I could receive during the hourly afternoon bcsts on 9 and 13 MHz. 12Z surf analysis at 15:30UTC. RX: #airspy HF+Discovery + #SDRSharp v. + ANT: #PA0RDT original #miniwhip. #faxradio #hfradio #meteofax #marineradio #swl @swling
#swl #marineradio #meteofax #hfradio #faxradio #Miniwhip #PA0RDT #SDRsharp #airspy #wellington #metservice #zklf