Is it just me or is cart handling SERIOUSLY different in #mariokartdoubledash versus #MarioKartWii or #MarioKart7 ?? It feels sloppy on DD...
#mariokartdoubledash #mariokartwii #mariokart7 #mariokart
#CTGP7 be like: oh hey we have mario kart 8 driving assistance (sorta)
i desperately want to try #CTGP-R eventually
#Nintendo #3ds #mariokart #mariokart7 #mario #ctgp #ctgp7
There's more of an explanation for the #MK7 #MarioKart7, #Splatoon2, #ACNH, #SMM2, #ARMS as well as a few other games that they recently received.
If you're a Wii U owner though, I'd be concerned for using most Nintendo Network services.
#arms #smm2 #ACNH #splatoon2 #mariokart7 #mk7
Update: New details about the changes surface - Update : Dataminer OatmealDome has shed some... #MarioKart7
Update: New details about the changes surface - Update : Dataminer OatmealDome has shed some... #MarioKart7
As we all guessed, the #MarioKart7 update was primarily netcode changes, and the fact that they're withholding information means that it's a critical vulnerability, and it's probably not best being made public until the majority of people are running on 1.2.
Please if you have a #Nintendo3DS, make sure to hop into the eShop and download the update data (it's titled Mario Kart 7 Update data but it took a while for me to find).
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has recently received its third wave of DLC on the Nintendo Switch. #MarioKart7
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has recently received its third wave of DLC on the Nintendo Switch. #MarioKart7
how the hell does #Nintendo manage to f*** up so much with the #MarioKart7 update
it has the release date of the last update but the description was fixed
their support page is a mess too btw (edit: it's been fixed)
i hope these people realise that's the 1.1 patch notes for #MarioKart7.
i want actual patch notes from nintendo
In case you haven't seen my reposts, Mario Kart 7 received an update for the first time in 10 years and 7 months.
I still can't believe this, reasoning for update is unknown with NOA providing a lack of a description, and data miners don't seem to know either.