#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 8: a #movie shot in #Oregon for #NationalOregonDay
For authenticity reasons, Clyde Bruckman and Buster Keaton's The General (1926) was – for the most part – filmed on location in Oregon. Set during the #AmericanCivilWar, it's a comedic retelling of a popular war memoir about the #GreatLocomotiveChase.
Sadly it was a box office #flop, resulting in Keaton losing his independence and The General entering the #PublicDomain as early as 1954. Luckily for us that means we too can enjoy the views of beautiful 1920s Oregon: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=YWm587wKKVw (note: this version has the appropriate piano score but appears to be a missing few minutes).
#film #TheGeneral #SilentFilm #ClydeBruckman #BusterKeaton #MarionMack #SilentCinema @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #movie #oregon #nationaloregonday #americancivilwar #greatlocomotivechase #flop #publicdomain #film #thegeneral #silentfilm #clydebruckman #busterkeaton #marionmack #silentcinema
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 8: a #movie shot in #Oregon for #NationalOregonDay
For authenticity reasons, Clyde Bruckman and Buster Keaton's The General (1926) was – for the most part – filmed on location in Oregon. Set during the #AmericanCivilWar, it's a comedic retelling of a popular war memoir about the #GreatLocomotiveChase.
Sadly it was a box office #flop, resulting in Keaton losing his independence and The General entering the #PublicDomain as early as 1954. Enjoy the views of beautiful Oregon https://yewtu.be/watch?v=YWm587wKKVw (note: this version has the appropriate piano score but appears to be a missing few minutes)
#film #SilentFilm #ClydeBruckman #BusterKeaton #MarionMack #SilentCinema @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #movie #oregon #nationaloregonday #americancivilwar #greatlocomotivechase #flop #publicdomain #film #silentfilm #clydebruckman #busterkeaton #marionmack #silentcinema