I ran another caption contest with an image of a giant head that mysteriously showed up in the Hudson river years back. Here's a video with the top 10 entries!
#Caption #Contest #Video #Mystery #Funny #Jokes #Puns #GiantHead #Marist #Hudson
#hudson #marist #gianthead #puns #jokes #funny #mystery #video #contest #caption
New Poll Finds 6 in 10 See Gun Violence Control as More Important Than Gun Rights https://politicaliq.com/2023/05/24/new-poll-finds-6-in-10-see-gun-violence-control-as-more-important-than-gun-rights/ #poll #NPR #PBS #Marist #guncontrol #gunreform #gunrights #gunviolence #shootings #school #FoxNewsPoll #politicaliq #news #politics
#poll #npr #pbs #marist #guncontrol #gunreform #gunrights #gunviolence #shootings #school #foxnewspoll #politicaliq #News #politics
''Majority of Americans Think Trump Investigations are Fair…Three in Four Say Trump Did Something Wrong'' https://maristpoll.marist.edu/polls/donald-trump-investigations/ #GOP #Marist
I got a nice New Year surprise, @ubuntu 22.04 is now available on the #IBM #LinuxONE Community Cloud!
What's that, you ask? It's a mainframe hosted at #Marist College that has free virtual machines available for developers, hobbyists, students and others looking to test out their software on the #s390x (IBM #zSystems & LinuxONE) hardware architecture: https://developer.ibm.com/articles/get-started-with-ibm-linuxone/
#zSystems #s390x #marist #linuxone #IBM
Still a beautifully magnificent view from #marist college #hudsonvalley #newyork #ny
#ny #newyork #hudsonvalley #marist