PODCAST: NAACP leader says schools failing to address racism :
“We're not doing what we need to do to get to the root of that issue so that we can extract it and hopefully build a better school – so that we can build better communities," Harold Ford said.
#MariTereRojas #MASTAcademy #MiamiDadePublicSchools #NAACP #racism
#Miami #news
#maritererojas #mastacademy #miamidadepublicschools #naacp #Racism #miami #News
First group of KB sixth graders part of MAST’s 2023 Graduation :
The group --several dozen -- were the pioneers of a controversial 2012 deal that modernized MAST while adding seats for Key Biscayne students.
#CadianCollmanPerez #CamilaAcquarone #FourAgreements #FrankCaplan #InsideOut #MariTereRojas #MASTAcademy #MichaelGould #RaquelRegalado #ROTC
#cadiancollmanperez #camilaacquarone #fouragreements #frankcaplan #insideout #maritererojas #mastacademy #michaelgould #raquelregalado #rotc