Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Marjorie Taylor Greene Tries, Fails to Show the Covid Vaccine Causes Miscarriages #Jezebel #health2cmedical2cpharma #marjorietaylorgreene #branchesofbiology #vaccinehesitancy #rochellewalensky #marjorietaylor #vaccination #miscarriage #stillbirth #medicine #articles #vaccine #moderna #pfizer #rtt
#jezebel #health2cmedical2cpharma #marjorietaylorgreene #branchesofbiology #vaccinehesitancy #rochellewalensky #marjorietaylor #vaccination #miscarriage #stillbirth #medicine #articles #Vaccine #Moderna #pfizer #rtt
Republicans have voted unanimously to put Marjorie Taylor Greene (the one who thinks 9/11 was a conspiracy and a hoax ) on the homeland security committee. What could go wrong? Greene seen here after a spa day has yet to comment
#mtg #marjorietaylor #gop #republicans #politics #uspolitics #MAGA #trump #TaylorGreene #homelandsecurity
#mtg #marjorietaylor #gop #republicans #politics #uspolitics #MAGA #trump #TaylorGreene #homelandsecurity