RT @Msnbc
Fact check: Marjorie Taylor Greene isn't the only Republican who's under the false impression that Joe Biden was president in 2020. She has quite a bit of GOP company. (via MaddowBlog) https://on.msnbc.com/3IOhQRW
Now she wants #SafeSpaces for #MAGAts
Isn't that Truth Social?
She should just move to Mar-A-Lago
I'm sure #TFG will enjoy having her around all the time howling at him:
"Make me your VP
Make me your VP
Make me your VP"
#ExpelMarjorieTaylorGreene #TFG #magats #safespaces #marjorietaylorgreeneissodumb
#GOPBetrayedAmerica #GOPSeditiousTraitors #GOPLiesAboutEverything #MarjorieTaylorGreeneIsSoDumb #MarjorieIsIgnorantTrash
RT @markhertling
America needs to stop pushing Russia to illegally invade the sovereignty of its neighbor, commit war crimes, kidnap children, and threaten the security alliance of European nations. The US is at fault for all that! US bad, Russia good! — @RepMTG, member of Congress. https://twitter.com/account…
#marjorieisignoranttrash #marjorietaylorgreeneissodumb #GOPLiesAboutEverything #GOPSeditiousTraitors #GOPBetrayedAmerica
RT @KeitaKay
#MarjorieTaylorGreeneIsSoDumb and jealous of the positive attention David Hogg gets for being intelligent and his dedication to stop senseless gun violence! 👍👏 https://twitter.com/summer7570/status/1627815945170190338