The Mark 1
All shot practically except chest piece and ricochets which I digitally added in.
#ironman #mark1 #marvelart #toyphotography #acba #miniaturephotography #photographicart #photographicartist #creativephotographer #marvel #actionfigurephotography #toyartgallery
#ironman #mark1 #marvelart #toyphotography #acba #miniaturephotography #photographicart #photographicartist #creativephotographer #marvel #actionfigurephotography #toyartgallery
Der #Mazda #MX5 #Roadster - besonders die allererste Baureihe #NA, oder #Mark1, oder #Miata (1989–1998) - ist schon ein richtig geiles Teil❤️🔥
Wenn die Karosserie, insbesondere die Schweller und Wasserabläufe, nachträglich vom Karosserie-Spengler getoppt wurden und die Pflege und Wartung nicht zu kurz kommt, hat man über sehr viele Jahrzehnte Spaß pur.
Hier eine ganz besondere Variante des beliebten Roadster👇👌
#Oldtimer #Yongtimer #ClassicCars #TaunusSchrauber #Motorsport 🏁
#Mazda #MX5 #roadster #NA #mark1 #miata #Oldtimer #yongtimer #classiccars #TaunusSchrauber #Motorsport
Y'know, Hopper is often mentioned as "oh, you know, there was another woman who also did computers and math back in the day", but holy crap, how come nobody ever talks just exactly about what she did?
The #Mark1 is pretty fascinating. It was an electromechanical machine! Half moving gears! Half flashing diodes! And Hopper's writing is very readable. It's like discovering the missing link between Babbage's engines and the Eniac, I'm thrilled to be reading this:
É hoje!
O computador FINAC de 1955
#MuseuCapixaba #mcc #éhoje #museu #retro #geek #tecnologia #capixaba #descubraoes #onthisday #FINAC #INAC #MauroPicone #Ferranti #FerrantiInternational #FerrantiMarkI #ManchesterMarkI #Mark1 #CINAC #Olivetti
#olivetti #cinac #mark1 #manchestermarki #ferrantimarki #ferrantiinternational #ferranti #mauropicone #inac #finac #onthisday #descubraoes #capixaba #tecnologia #geek #retro #museu #ehoje #mcc #museucapixaba
#カブトムシ #フォルクスワーゲン・ビートル #Mark1
しかしまぁ、やっぱこう言う作業にはデスクトップPCですねぇ…(しじみ) #pixivSketch
#カブトムシ #フォルクスワーゲン #mark1 #pixivsketch